Hi, we're new to this forum.

Has anyone had this situation before, and if so, did it go well with vaccinated chicks and disinfection?
@2ndTink this past year had it sweep through her flock. Tagging her should alert her to come to this thread.

Here is a Search here on BYC of Marek's threads, many people have Marek's in the flock, unfortunately it is becoming more common. https://www.backyardchickens.com/se...=1&c[nodes][0]=10&c[title_only]=1&o=relevance

You can also start a thread in our Emergency forum for more help ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures.10/
Has anyone had this situation before, and if so, did it go well with vaccinated chicks and disinfection?
Welcome to BYC! I wish it was under happier circumstances but, we're here to help as much as we can.

So I purchased some chicks late last summer and introduced Mareks into my flock. I had my first sick bird in October, didn't know what was going on and didn't have a necropsy done until I lost a second one in Dec. Not having a clue about Mareks I already had chicks hatched and more in the incubator when the results came back. I immediately began vaccinating all the younger chicks and vaccinated all the new ones at hatch.

I did not cull out my existing flock, I had chickens up to 4 years old and everyone has been doing fine. I did lose a couple young ones this year but determined I had used a vaccine that hadn't been stored properly on one hatch. I've had minimal losses of older birds, I checked a few and found fatty liver issues and reproductive cancers.

Check which version of the vaccine the hatchery uses, some use 2 or 3 different serotypes, research indicates, the more the better. The vaccine we can get for backyard flocks is the least effective one, but it has proven successful for my flock. I've had zero Mareks losses from my properly vaccinated chicks hatched this year!

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