*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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"Well, well, well, very interesting I'm surprised of the coincidence. Hello," Raven said.

Laughed softly at the that.

Danika looked up at the voices, surprised to see anyone here "Oh, hello" She said and glanced around before coming over to the two of them. 

It seemed surprised that we were here and it approached us. "What's your name?" Raven asked.

Raine looked up at the beautiful unicorn. When he felt his phone vibrate. He then walked a short distance away so he could answer it without disturbing them. He quickly shifted and fished it from his pocket. He looked to the ID before answering.
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Laughed softly at the that.

Raine looked up at the beautiful unicorn. When he felt his phone vibrate. He then walked a short distance away so he could answer it without disturbing them. He quickly shifted and fished it from his pocket. He looked to the ID before answering.

Raine had walked off, she guessed to answer a phone call she then turned to the unicorn, "Well what's your name?"
Starr sighed and nodded again then looked to Falkirk "I don't think he's dangerous naturally.I don't think he did the crime" She said softly. She didn't really have much to base her thoughts on, but it was what she believed.

Sorcha nodded then shrugged "If he refuses to come then that is his prerogative. He will be the only one to suffer a loss of knowledge from that, it is only when he would feel slighted that we would have to worry. I think it would make him feel he would have to do something if he wasn't invited for things like this" She said, hoping that made sense.
Kyra frowned at him then looked at their hands and made a face at it. "Ew...maybe, but now mine is dirty too." She said and tried to get him again.

Jackie took a deep breath then nodded and looked to Sergio, adjusting her wings "Alright, first is takeoff" She said, mostly to herself as she moved to take off from the ground to practice flying.

Kristen smiled and twirled to him softly "And I will always be with you, my love" She said softly. She was glad they were safe and together even if they were having to share a house with the witch to do so.

Ember chuckled and looked at him "Now what kind of voice is that Cadeon?" She asked, not having seen Lord of the Rings yet, though she didn't mind being called precious in the least.He always made her feel special

Aurora smiled at that "Some of them are safe for a beginner, most of those are self protection or illusion spells. We will have to find what class you are naturally best at anyway. Come, we should do this outside so we don't break anything' She said and stood up.
Rosie woke slowly, stretching out a little then blinking and sitting up. She realized they had been moved to a bed at some point, probably so they wouldn't wake up with a crick in the neck. She also realized that though the sun was up, the house was quiet and felt empty, like the two were alone now.

Skylar smiled at that, glad it had helped him for them to play together with the young one. "It's nice to play with the young sometimes, they have such a zest for life." She said softly and glanced out the window with him.
Anna went to open the door and wait for the rest of the hyena pack to join them. While she waited, she went to Zypher and stood beside him, holding his arm gently. She wanted it know right off that she had chosen him and wouldn't take any other. She was not going to lose him to some alpha fight, then she remembered that hyena's didn't have those fights for the males but she still didn't leave his side

"Two are canine? Good Lord man, what are you trying to do?" Don asked then shook his head "Not all canines have the same hierarchy systems, the basic natures of the creatures involved would fight against eachother and drive the creature insane. Add in other creatures that aren't even canine and you are simply asking to have a murderous creature, exactly what you accuse us of being." He said, not liking the sound of this. "What is in this creature you want me to tame for you? He may not even listen to me depending on what it is" 

Falkirk smiled proudly at Star. "I trust fully in your opinion of his character. When you say he's innocent, then he is. We just have to hope others will come to believe it also." He said softly.

Lucille straightened and let her hands drop to her sides. She shook her head slowly, as she backed away. She then turned and fled the room in tears.

Falkirk frowned at her unexpected departure. "What did I say wrong?" He asked shocked.

Avalon looked to Sorcha and stated, "As always, thank you for you help on this matter and your council. You are a true asset to the throne and to the people." She then glanced to the door as Lucille left. But returned her attention to Sorcha once again to ask, " Do you have all you'll need for the spell? "
Graydon chuckled softly as he let her have at him. "Do your worst." He said with a cheesy smiled.
Sergio stood silently and watched her practice. Giving tips here and there to help.
Orson twirled back to her, as he picked Kristen up and slung her over his shoulder. Much like a caveman with his prize. "Alright, if you keep that up, we aren't going to get to the forest to practice your Oilin form. Because prospects of spelling us away to a private realm, to ensure we're not disturbed, is more appealing with every word you say." He teased her in her mind, as he walked out of the kitchen towards the front door.
"Oh, just something Nashton and I started watched. It's a really, really long movie. If things ever slow down, perhaps we could watch it together." Cadeon explained.
"Class? We don't understand what you mean." Aeval said, as she stood to follow Aurora out.
Ericsson stirred with the movement of the bed. He opened his eyes and looked around the room confused. He then set up on his elbows to take in the entirety of the room. "Wait, where are we? I don't remember coming in here. " He replied, as he looked to Rosie.
"Yes, I've noticed that." He said as he cast a glance to a sleeping Bob. "It's also easy to lose one's self in their levity and innocence. Soul affirming, to say the lest." Jaxon agreed. He looked timidly at Skylar and smiled softly. "It made me long for things that can't be changed, but hope to have from now on." He admitted shyly.
Zypher watched Anna silently as she moved around the room. The sisters took up their station by the door once again, as Anna moved back to his side. He made a soft sound as she took his arm. It validated him and he enjoyed that very much. He looked at her with undying devotion and love in his eyes. When the sound of the elevator, drew his attention to the doorway out to the hallway. His face transforming into unquestionable challenge. As his eyes sharpened and his stance changed slightly.
As Merrick informed the pack of the new alpha, Nathan enabled the elevator again so they could meet her. There was a lot of nervous energy and excitement in their ride up to the penthouse floor. When the doors opened, the filed out and moved to the open door. They were confronted with the results of the fight and proof of Anna's victory. The ones in front, took it all in. But none dared enter without an invite. The hyena females laughed nervously as they stood there. The lowered their eyes, but still looked to Anna discreetly. The males accessed Anna with passive intrigue. But their eyes were drawn to the male to her right. The alphas possession of his arm and Zypher's challenging gaze spoke volumes. A clear 'Claimed' desplay.
Markus rained in his flare of temper. "Of my many degrees, Zoology isn't one of them. I've mostly left that up to the labs. As far as the gen-three mix. It's 40% Dire wolf, 30% maned wolf and 30% crow. They believed the strong flocking tendencies of the crows would counter the Dire wolf's longer aspect. That along with their intelligence, would meld perfectly with that of the wolves. " He replied honestly, as he stood with his hands on his hips.

(This is what they look like. :p )
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Falkirk smiled proudly at Star. "I trust fully in your opinion of his character. When you say he's innocent, then he is. We just have to hope others will come to believe it also." He said softly.

Lucille straightened and let her hands drop to her sides. She shook her head slowly, as she backed away. She then turned and fled the room in tears.

Falkirk frowned at her unexpected departure. "What did I say wrong?" He asked shocked.

Avalon looked to Sorcha and stated, "As always, thank you for you help on this matter and your council. You are a true asset to the throne and to the people." She then glanced to the door as Lucille left. But returned her attention to Sorcha once again to ask, " Do you have all you'll need for the spell? "
Graydon chuckled softly as he let her have at him. "Do your worst." He said with a cheesy smiled.
Sergio stood silently and watched her practice. Giving tips here and there to help.
Orson twirled back to her, as he picked Kristen up and slung her over his shoulder. Much like a caveman with his prize. "Alright, if you keep that up, we aren't going to get to the forest to practice your Oilin form. Because prospects of spelling us away to a private realm, to ensure we're not disturbed, is more appealing with every word you say." He teased her in her mind, as he walked out of the kitchen towards the front door.
"Oh, just something Nashton and I started watched. It's a really, really long movie. If things ever slow down, perhaps we could watch it together." Cadeon explained.
"Class? We don't understand what you mean." Aeval said, as she stood to follow Aurora out.
Ericsson stirred with the movement of the bed. He opened his eyes and looked around the room confused. He then set up on his elbows to take in the entirety of the room. "Wait, where are we? I don't remember coming in here. " He replied, as he looked to Rosie.
"Yes, I've noticed that." He said as he cast a glance to a sleeping Bob. "It's also easy to lose one's self in their levity and innocence. Soul affirming, to say the lest." Jaxon agreed. He looked timidly at Skylar and smiled softly. "It made me long for things that can't be changed, but hope to have from now on." He admitted shyly.
Zypher watched Anna silently as she moved around the room. The sisters took up their station by the door once again, as Anna moved back to his side. He made a soft sound as she took his arm. It validated him and he enjoyed that very much. He looked at her with undying devotion and love in his eyes. When the sound of the elevator, drew his attention to the doorway out to the hallway. His face transforming into unquestionable challenge. As his eyes sharpened and his stance changed slightly.
As Merrick informed the pack of the new alpha, Nathan enabled the elevator again so they could meet her. There was a lot of nervous energy and excitement in their ride up to the penthouse floor. When the doors opened, the filed out and moved to the open door. They were confronted with the results of the fight and proof of Anna's victory. The ones in front, took it all in. But none dared enter without an invite. The hyena females laughed nervously as they stood there. The lowered their eyes, but still looked to Anna discreetly. The males accessed Anna with passive intrigue. But their eyes were drawn to the male to her right. The alphas possession of his arm and Zypher's challenging gaze spoke volumes. A clear 'Claimed' desplay.
Markus rained in his flare of temper. "Of my many degrees, Zoology isn't one of them. I've mostly left that up to the labs. As far as the gen-three mix. It's 40% Dire wolf, 30% maned wolf and 30% crow. They believed the strong flocking tendencies of the crows would counter the Dire wolf's longer aspect. That along with their intelligence, would meld perfectly with that of the wolves. " He replied honestly, as he stood with his hands on his hips.

(This is what they look like.
Star frowned and stood to look after Lucille "I think it may have been what I said, we should go after her" She said quietly and got up to follow the other princess.

Sorcha smiled and nodded "I would do anything for our kingdom." She said softly. "I have all I need"
Kyra wiped her hand against his shirt and smiled up at him. "Really?" She asked cheekily then danced away, going towards her room
Jackie flew around the marked borders of her land, testing out her new ability. She flew close to the water, running a finger along the surface to create a ripple.
Kristen gave a laughing scream when he placed her over his shoulder like that. She couldn't help the laughter as she held herself up a little bit "Well, I have never traveled like this before" She said teasingly. She glanced to the side to see Skylar and Jaxon at the window and raised a hand to wave bye to them both with an embarrassed giggle.
"I would like that, just relax and actually watch one of these movies with you" Ember said and smiled at him. She looked to the door when Orson came out with Kristen over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him "Going caveman style, aren't you?"
Aurora chuckled softly "Well, when someone sets out to learn something they usually join a class to do that, More often than not it's more than one student, but it still applies." She said then shrugged.
Rosie looked to him then shrugged "They must have moved us while we slept. I don't hear anyone moving in the other rooms, so they must have gone out" She said then blushed and looked away. "I guess they left us together"
Skylar smiled at him and reached for his hand. She jumped and looked to Orson when he came through, headed out the door then blushed and looked to Jaxon again. "Alright, don't do that to me and we'll be fine" She said then chuckled softly.
Anna sighed softly and looked to the door, waiting to see who all came in. "Come in, we have much to discuss before this day is over with" She said, keeping her hold on Zypher even as she watched to assess the newcomers. They needed fighters, and now they would have them, if they chose to stay.
"Dire and Maned?" Don asked, surprised at the mix. "I'll give you the crow's flocking, even though they aren't the best to use, but nothing can make a dire go against it's nature. They are and always will be loners and they won't listen to a common gray like me, even though I am alpha. I am not his alpha, not without defeating him, and that would mean killing him" He said then folded his arms "Besides, if I did help you then you would just turn that creature lose on my family and that I can't allow"
"Raven, and the raven over there is Raine," she responded
Danika chuckled and looked from one to the other "That is quite the coincidence." She said softly. She glanced around then shifted to her human form, that of a young white haired girl that was about 13 years old. She was wearing a pretty dress that her friend had given her."Are you shifters or normal animals?" She asked curiously

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