Hiya everyone


In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2024
I'm new to this page and to raising chickens. My family had some when I was a child and I have cared for them at various petting zoos etc but this is my first venture on my own. We were kindly given 24 eggs by a friend who has a farm and tried our hand at incubating, we now have 16 almost 2 week old chicks. My friend has a mix of Brown Shaver, Suffolk Brown Shaver crosses and "meat chickens" (I have no idea what kind of chicken a meat chicken is) with a Rhode Island Red rooster in the mix, very excited to see what we get! We're raising them for eggs and manure mostly but I'd be lying if I said I'm not quite fond of the personalities of the chickens I've met over the years.
I'm really looking forward to learning from and sharing with the community!
I'm new to this page and to raising chickens. My family had some when I was a child and I have cared for them at various petting zoos etc but this is my first venture on my own. We were kindly given 24 eggs by a friend who has a farm and tried our hand at incubating, we now have 16 almost 2 week old chicks. My friend has a mix of Brown Shaver, Suffolk Brown Shaver crosses and "meat chickens" (I have no idea what kind of chicken a meat chicken is) with a Rhode Island Red rooster in the mix, very excited to see what we get! We're raising them for eggs and manure mostly but I'd be lying if I said I'm not quite fond of the personalities of the chickens I've met over the years.
I'm really looking forward to learning from and sharing with the community!
Having already successfully incubated eggs-to-chicks puts you way ahead of me in regard to experience with babies. I started with three pullets that began laying eggs within a couple of months and then added four two-week old babies last April. I have yet to try raising any from eggs. We do have Rhode Island Reds in common though as that is what all of mine are. I hope you enjoy this place and feel comfortable asking questions as they arise. Good luck to you.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Congrats on your hatch! If you haven't been there yet, we have a Learning Center that has a plethora of articles about raising chicks and chickens. There's an index on the left so you can find a particular subject you're interested in.

Here's our Coop forum in case you don't have one yet.

If you happen to have pictures of your babies, we'd love to see them! :)
Sixteen chicks at once is about twice what I've ever cared for at one time. You've really jumped in with both feet, haven't you? Congrats on the hatch and on joining this amazing community.

Eggs are great, but you're right about their personalities being another great reason to have chickens.

Welcome to BYC!

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