Hmmm, pics inside - what's going on with this pullet?


May 11, 2024
The Piedmont of North Carolina
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Is she getting pecked? Is this another presentation of Mycoplasma?

If so, should I put her with the other bird who also has Mycoplasma or do they need to be separated from each other? At this point, I am running out of places to put birds.

In a few days, we're going to have a brand new coop and 2 tractors open up. We were going to put the Cockerels in one - so we will have 2 tractors available for quarantine. I guess we can settle on one for that but it won't be for a few days while we paint and build the stuff needed for the shed conversion.

Do I need to quarantine these two birds separately or can they "wait and see" together?

Are the wattle scabs from pecks or illness? I cannot tell.
It can be transmitted both bird-to-bird and mosquito-to-bird
Okay - I have another bird who we are quarantining and I thought it was Mycoplasma -- but she's not coughing or wheezing or showing any signs of anything other than a goopy eye. And now she's depressed and not eating because she's alone in quarantine.

Should I quarantine them together and just... see what happens?

Do I need to remove this pullet tonight?
I read that they do transmit from one to another and quarantining is warranted - I just don't have space right now to put her anywhere else other than with the other sick bird.
You mention mycoplasma. If you have it confirmed in your flock there is no need to quarantine...they all have it already/have been exposed.
You mention mycoplasma. If you have it confirmed in your flock there is no need to quarantine...they all have it already/have been exposed.
It's not confirmed, it's just guessed because 95% of backyard flocks have it and mostly don't show symptoms. I talked to a vet on the phone and he was wholly unconcerned if it was mycoplasma, but he did recommend quarantining the sick bird for 45 days.

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