Hoarse sounding chick


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
I have a brooder set up with eight chicks, all of which act happy and healthy. Last night, however, I noticed I heard a hoarse peeping sound, and tonight I identified the chick that has it (I don't recall hearing it earlier today). The chick seems overall just fine, the only symptom I have so far identified is that its peep sounds hoarse...like the chick equivalent of shouting all day and losing its voice.
I am wondering if anyone has experience with a similar situation, or ideas of what might be going on. Should I separate it from the others as a precaution even though I have not yet noticed any other obvious symptoms? I should mention that I bought all these chicks at the same time from the same breeder and they were housed in the same area. They are around three weeks old. Thank you for any input!
No, don't separate it. If it has anything contagious, which is highly doubtful, the others have been exposed, so it's a moot point.

When a chicken, including new baby chicks, sound hoarse, it can often be due to a foreign object obstructing its larynx. I advise you to get some help and pry open the chick's beak and take a good look at the center of its throat for anything that might be stuck back there or even a hair that could be wrapped around its little tongue.

If you see something, you will need to remove it with some tweezers if you can.

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