Holiday Traditions~Do U Have Any?

Our family can be pretty obnoxious, but they're not THAT bad!
We follow alot of the same traditions as already listed, pajama's every year you open christmas eve, only 3 presents from Santa (with a stricked only $150 per child limit). We also try to do as many help based presents as possible ex. my Aunt is getting pretty old and her porch was looking bad so we went and got paint and painted it for her one year for a xmas gift. The children had fun, she has a pretty porch, and she bragged to everyone for months. It teachs the kids sometimes the best gifts arn't bought, but come from love. Oh and I also cook all the Thanksgiving food a day early, so I get to relax for the day also.
We do not celebrate Christmas in the normal sense. We have a feast and feed whoever needs it or wants it. And we have a giveaway. We all make our giveaway items for each other and others. We also make packages for the elders such as winter blankets, fuel oil tickets or firewood and we send those to the Rez.

The only thing that is an absolute. Each holiday, the first plate is made and taken outside for the spirits, the ancestors and Mother Earth. No one eats until I have placed that plate outdoors.

Oh yes...I cook and bake like a mad woman. I can usually feed a platoon on any given holiday. LOL
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My Wife's burns the food and we go all day saying things will be ok. The kids are starting to wonder why Mom has so many problems cooking. That should start a new tradition this year!
We still do that and I'm 26, my sister is 22, and my brother is 21. Last year mom got my DH jammies, too. The other tradition that goes along with the pajamas is we pose for a picture in our jammies. Mom used to always get this when we came out the hallway from our rooms when were finally allowed to do so. Now we just all gather in our jammies when we get there for the pic to make mom happy

Our family gets together for every holiday... and often times in between. I love having a such a closeknit family! We always have tons of food (it's worse now that some of us "kids" are growing up and now we bring food to share, too). Thanksgiving and Christmas the last couple of years has seemed weird because my grandparents go to Florida for the winter and miss the holidays. It just feels strange without out them and I miss having them here, but it's better for them not be here in the cold.
Thanksgiving and Christmas it's always just my hubby and me. He likes it that way. I could stand to be with a little family...

I always make Minnesota Wild Rice Soup (a Byerly's grocery store recipe) that my mom used to make every year.
Yum, Byerly's Wild Rice Soup.

For Thanksgiving we usually go camping. Most of our friends have longstanding Thanksgiving plans and all of our relatives are far away. I don't like cooking a huge meal for just the four of us, so we do something fun as a family. This generally means camping, in a tent. I make pie, because we all love it. Pumpkin for the oldest boy, apple for the youngest, cranberry pecan for dad and cherry for me. We don't usually have all the pie at once, but over the Thanksgiving period.
When I saw this thread the one beneath it was about migraines.

Coincidence? Probably not!

Our traditions: eat, drink, and talk about our family's favorite subject: farts. Somewhow we always come back to that topic.

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