Homemade deodorant... It's the bomb!

I only buy Nature's way coconut oil. I haven't tried any other brand yet. I use it in my cooking, as a moisturizer for your hair, the deodorant and for my hands if they are bleeding. I'm allergic to the chemicals in lotion and other products.

This does leave a coconut taste in cooking though, but initially bought this for granola and now I use it in my homemade bread and taco shells.
why would a deodrant company name there deodrant secret ?

if you think about it ---that kinda saying it doesnt work

I think the home made ones are a better deal .. but only if you dont want to stink bad
THe brand I have is--
Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil Refined
for medium high heat
expeller pressed

no smell--actually strange, doesn't everything have a smell? lol

At over $10 for 14 floz-- pretty expensive, but I like what it does so I buy it.
Wonderif you can use it on feet? My son has a fungal problem that make his feet smell horribly and NOTHING seems to work!
Coconut oil will help. Be sure to wash his socks in HOT water and get new shoes. Every time my son goes back to the boots, it returns. I wonder if I could microwave his boots? no, oh no, stinky. never mind. awful thought.
lol! I will try the oil! no one else has this problem just him. scares my chickens to death! LOL!
Coconut oil will help. Be sure to wash his socks in HOT water and get new shoes. Every time my son goes back to the boots, it returns. I wonder if I could microwave his boots? no, oh no, stinky. never mind. awful thought.
I often think of the spray that is used at the bowling alleys on rented shoes---- might be worth hunting down if it could cure the boots too.

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