Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Of course I am aware that there are strict laws in PA. However making yogurt for my immediate family is a different story (they ARE my egg customers).

I appreciate the input.
Not if you sell it. I hope you don't get caught. The exchange of money and goods for the dairy product that is not inspected and prepared in a facility that adheres strictly to health codes is what is illegal. Health Codes are a big issue. You have to have USDA and health inspections.

If you give it away and/or it is labled for 'pet/animal consumption only' you are safe.
Kstaven, how will that work with family?

Let's say that someone has farm meat which they raised for their family. Now let's say that they wanted to share with their extended family, such as a sibling and their family. Could they, legally?

And, if not, how is that figured, by property? In other words, must the meat be used only on the property where it was raised/butchered? The sibling might be just down the road...

This is interesting, thanks!
Here's a question, and sorry if it has been asked before...

Once you have your own yogurt started, can you use it to start another batch of yogurt, or do you have to have the other, commercial brand for starting?

"Interesting" is the last adjective I would use to descibe it. LOL

The laws are very specific. If they do not reside on the property full time, it is illegal. Right to the point of having guests for dinner. By the letter of the regs you can't serve meat you butchered and raised to guests. I can't even legally take a steak to the park and BBQ it, because it is illegal to consume it off the property. It was all put into place under the guise of food safety. Welcome to the land of the free!
Thank you both, Miss Prissy, and Kstaven!

Miss Prissy, no, I wasn't sure which side of the border we were talking about. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

Kstaven, no wonder you don't consider 'interesting' the right word. Those are pretty tight regulations. Good to know, though.

I hope they don't expand them down to here, thanks anyway! I have a couple of friends up your way, and will see if they are fully aware of this. One may not be, but as the other has animals, I hope that she and her husband are.

Well, Mangled, at least they have a healthy habit!
Speaking of which, I need to make some today!

I have spent years turning all of my friend's children into healthy food eaters behind their backs.
You should see their jaws drop when their normally picky kids come over on hot days and beg to go into my freezer and get some fresh-frozen blueberries to munch on cold; or.....yogurt! Muahahah! lolol! What can I say, I feel it's an investment in our future to get the youth of America eating well, and knowing where it is food actually comes from!

Enjoy, you're going to love it!

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