Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Things I learned about making yogurt:
1) candy thermometers are hard to find and a meat thermometer does not work well.
2)milk will fry and fried milk does not taste good
3)fried milk is hard to get off of mom's good pans
4)if the milk is cool enough for the cat to drink out of the pan it is cool enough to put in the jar
5)33cent store brand flavored yogurt does not make good yogurt.
6)make sure the jars fit in the cooler before you start,and the jars have lids.
7)measure the jars first, the left over milk tastes bad and the kids complain to mom if it is on their cereal.
8)remember that you are making yogurt, two days in the cooler is probably too long.
9)do not start making this yogurt unless you are prepared to make it every day because everyone likes it.
# 10. You need to stay out of the kitchen
Just finished making another batch of yogurt. My DH saw the cooler in the kitchen, and after seeing my cooler and supplies for the homemade bator, says,"What did you do?" "Look up 101 things to do with a cooler?"

Sounds like a good idea!
I meant to make yogurt yesterday, and time just got away from me. So today, what do you think I needed to make fresh corn spoonbread? TWO CUPS OF YOGURT. Ah, well. Maybe it'll be fresh next time. And maybe I'll have fresh eggs for it, too, instead of $3.69/dz "free-range organic" eggs from the grocery store. *siiiiigh* At least the corn was fresh-picked, and the chickens got the little worms from the top of each ear!

We are either going to make mozzarella tomorrow OR strawberry buttermilk ice cream. Not sure which. I don't have an ice cream maker, so I have to rely on preschooler power to mix ice cream. That's usually good for burning some energy!
And I haven't even made buttermilk by myself yet! I just bought some lowfat buttermilk at the store. I'll post the recipe if it works out--it looks wonderful. I'm glad I put up all those strawberries in the freezer now!
I finally made a really good batch of yogurt. It is nice and creamy and not sour at all. The kids are enjoying adding a little mixed berry sauce that I made up. It is so much more cost effective when you have 3 teens. I have learned a few things from my first two less successful attempts.
1) warm the yogurt to be used to room temperature before starting the yogurt.
2) leave the yogurt a full 12 hours to set firmer.

I am so excited. It finally worked really well.

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