Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Yes, that is a fantastic idea!!

SteffPeck has already suggested this and is collecting recipes!


If that link doesn't work, I think the thread is currently on Page 7 here. And I'm glad you said that, Amyquilt, because it reminds me I have to get my recipe submitted!

The index thread is helpful, but I was born and raised believing in BOOKS. Solid things that you can hold and plunk down on the couch with on a rainy afternoon, just turning the pages and enjoying the contents. I have shelves of books I've read many, many times...can't bear to part with some of them. I truly want a cookBOOK...they're especially fun because you can plot and plan the perfect meal, combining two of my grandest loves...food and books.

And sometimes it's just not convenient to drag the monitor to the kitchen, y'know?
I did it! I made yogurt! And it is wonderful. Has an almost buttery flavor to it. I can't believe I had never heard of making it myself before. I have become so enlightened since joining this forum. I'm saving tons of money now too.
Yay! Add me to the list of newbie yogurt makers! I can't believe how EASY it is.. and how delicious it tastes! My kids are the yogurt eaters in the family... I could care less for it.. other than on gyros.

Thanks for enlightening me BYC! The taste and texture are addicting! I made 3 qts yesterday b/c the first batch (1 qt) I made was eaten w/in a half hour of it being opened!

My daughter added lemonade powder mix to hers, to make it taste like lemon flavored. 4yo wanted a sprinkle of brown sugar... and I added a dash of vanilla. That tasted like cookie dough! Yummm! My son and I ate it plane... that was fine for us. Today we added blueberries!

Now I'll be trying cheese next! Can't wait!
I just wanted to let everyone know that if you try making yogurt and find it too sour or tangy, try again using a different brand of plain yogurt as the starter. I have found that each brand has a unique flavor to it. I have had good success with Fred Meyers brand as it is a bit sweeter. I eat mine with honey and fruit. Also, making cheese can be time consuming. I have made cream cheese (and other soft cheeses that weren't supposed to be soft) several times over the last 15 years. It is a highly educational experience and is a very good project to do with older kids. Making cheese and yogurt, or baking bread in a dutch oven over coals...these are the things that have helped me see how much respect our predecessors deserve. Congrats to anyone who has taken up these challenges! Yeah for homemade yummies


Nice first post at BYC! I agree. When I think upon what our ancestors had to do to survive, I'm constantly amazed! Friends are always amazed that I made my own yogurt, bread, and such. If they only knew that it really isn't all that difficult to do given our modern conveniences. And, it's fun besides!
I love homemade yogurt, I've been making it for many years. Personally I think the stuff you get in the grocery store is just plain gross; it doesn't even taste like yogurt, it just tastes like thick milk.

I know this is going to sound strange but one of my favorite snacks is plums cut up with yogurt on them; and those new plums they have in the grocery store they call dinosaur eggs are soooo good with yogurt on them….. you can’t get any better than that!!

This is the recipe I use, it's sweet and tangy.


2 quarts whole milk
1-cup non-fat powdered milk
1/2 cup of Splenda (gotta watch my sugar intake)
Yogurt active live cultures

1.) Heat milk, dry milk and Splenda to 180°; cool it back to 110°. Add yogurt starter and mix well. Pour into a very clean container that will be used to make the yogurt.

I don’t do this second step anymore because my sweet daughter gave me a yogurt maker.

2.) Wrap container with a heating pad and set on medium high to high heat. Be sure to have the pad wrapped around your container so that the heat is evenly distributed around the container then stick the whole thing down into a clean bucket. (I picked this little idea up on Good Eats)

3.) Allow it to sit for 3-9 hrs depending on the consistency that you desire. The longer it sits the firmer and tangier it gets.

I let mine sit for 6 hours my daughter lets hers sit for 24 hours. She makes hers with half and half....it's good but boy is it rich!!!
Hi, Betty, welcome to the thread. My kids and I eat yogurt over all sorts of fruit. We have cantalope with yogurt many mornings, and honeydew and all types of berries. I guess the only fruit it isn't good with is watermelon. LOL

I haven't tried with grapes yet but just about anything else is good but I guess my very favorite is plums. My son's favorite is strawberries.

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