Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Has anyone tried using that yoghurt "Activia" as a starter for culturing your own home made? It is supposed to have really good gut bacteria, but it is so darned expensive in the store.
Zenbirder -

I'm not sure it's worth the expense. The bacteria Activa is using that is good for the gut is called Bifidobacterium animalis. That's the scientific name. When Activa says that it is the only company whose yogurt contains "Bifidus Regularis" they're both correct and incorrect. The name Bifidus Regularis is a marketing name for the same bacteria and is trademarked by the Dannon company. So, yes, they're the only company with "Bifidus Regularis" (which incidentally is trademarked under other names in other countries) because that's a trademarked name, but since it's the same thing as Bifidobacterium animalis, the "only" status is really just a bate and switch because they simply renamed something that may be common to other yogurt brands. You can read about that on their website in the FAQ: http://www.activia.com/faqs.asp

yogurt I bought at the store contains Bifidus as one of its active bacteria, and according to Wikipedia, there are two different strains of Bifidus, both of which have been studied for benefits in the gut. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifidobacterium_lactis Without a specific label designation, it's difficult to know which strain is in my yogurt. I assume that it does the same thing as Dannon's trademarked ingredient for far less cost.

Here's another article to read up on it:
You can buy various freeze dried cultures to make your yogurt. I just use the Stoneyfield farms because it is 1. organic 2. contains 6 different live cultures 3. In the store on hand when I need it and I don't have to pay shipping. This is one of the best I can find locally so I feel good about using it to culture my own yogurt.
Thank-you for letting me know about the cultures. I will try my local co-op and see what they carry! I am such a throw-back to old times in the kitchen, but I have to be careful or it eats up so much time from my art career. I grind my own wheat, bake my bread, roll oats fresh and make granola (making granola bars right now). We have a big garden and greenhouse, two large deepfreezes for just us two and the pets. I think the quality of food premade in the stores is pretty poor these days, so I cook. It is nice to hear there are still some people who know a culinary thing or two and are willing to share it!
Ok, I just read this thread, and I have to try to make my own yogurt!!! You guys are making me hungry!!!

My girls and I love yogurt, but we've never tried homemade. Sounds too good to pass up!!

Wish me luck,
Lori, sounds like you found the key to good yogurt. ha ha I am going to have to try checking mine at 3-4 hours instead of not looking at it until 10 hours have passed. ha ha
Well, in my haste to make yogurt during the lunch hour, I put the active yogurt in as soon as the milk came to temp. on the stove and mixed it well, then remembered I was to wait till the temp was at 110`!!
Then while lifting the small cooler, filled with 130` water, the lid came off and I spilled the water all over the kitchen floor. It needed a good washing anyway. During all of this the house phone and my cell phone was ringing!!
I have everything under control now and made myself a rootbeer float and am now headed for the hammock with the new Harry Potter! I just pray the yogurt turns out ok!?!?
Hope tomorrow is a better day.
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