hooded merganser

Mine are doing great and the male is coloring up nicely. Will get some new pics up soon. Blue did you get another one?
No I did not unfortunately. I am not sure what to do with the hens. I do not think we have any eggs here yet, but the hens are always in the boxes. It finally warmed up so the ducks are enjoying the above freezing temperatures. High of 37!
I'm not having any luck with mine..... I lost one hen after 9 days of having her. 2nf hen started limping and but scooting..... I wormed everyone and have been keeping her in a large bin and swims in my tub till she gets better as her one leg is weak. Now yesterday I lost one male. Down to 1 male and hen in the bin. I fed what breeder said....he fed layer pellet....dog food..I fed meal worms too. I did add some calf manna..but got fussed at on gbwf...so I stopped. I just got in the sea duck diet... I'm inlarging the pond as its 6 x 10 and I have a frw pair of mandrian...pair of white face..a few woodies and 2 pair ring teal.... so its too small but I have been cleaning it 2x week or more..... so sad as they are so friendly.... feeling defeated.
I am sorry chickenzoo. I only had my male for maybe a week and he just started eating out of my hand before he died. Do you have pictures of them? I hope the remaining two survive. Are they eating well?
Thanks Blue creek, its heartbreaking as mine are soooo very friendly. I have to step over them to get into the avairy as they beg for treats when they see me. They had been eating well.....I always stood and watched them....to make sure they weren't being run off. But the ones that died were skinny.....I wormed.....but I still am thinking it may be part of the issue. I'm working on larger pond.....a big pump....trying to find a supplier of minnos..... just don't know. I'm in Fl and if I can ever fix my issues would love to find more..... they are my most friendly ducks. Right now its just keeping these guys well......sigh.
What is your water temp?They need ice cold running water.I believe my pal Peter feeds his trout pellets(but don't quote me on that).His do great and hatch their own chicks,but his eiders kill them.He doesn't like separating his birds,but if he wants chicks I guess he will have to.
I have never heard of anyone worming ducks.I don't think it is necessary.
In N.H.,Tony.
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That sounds like my smew! I always have to worry about them. They come waddling/running over when they see me coming and just wait until I give them something. My hooded drake seemed skinnier than I expected but he was eating. I am thinking mine might have died from an injury, but I am not positive.
Tony...I'm in Fl.... so ice cold water is hard....but I do add water daily and clean it 2x weekly. I've started a bigger.pond today. Hoping to get a 16x16 pond done till I can start a bigger one. Hope that will be ok for them for a bit. Mine seem to do good...weight seems ok...then bam...I notice them walking low...looking slower and when I pick
them up, I feel some keel. This seems to happen in a weeks time. They are now on the sea duck diet from Mazuri.....hoping that and the larger pond will help..and a bigger filter. I had asked the breeder if they needed special care ..and was told no.....but it seems they do.
Tony...perhaps up north worming is less needed. Here in FL it seems like everything gets parasites. I know a few duck people who worm.... not sure its part of the issue.... right now I have no idea. If I lose another I may have a necropsy done to see if it points me in a direction. I'm hoping not..as the pair left are the friendliest.
What size ponds does everyone have for these ducks?
I have two small ponds, approx 3x5, and 18-24 inches deep. I change the water daily, and wash the ponds out completely, since I do not have the option of constant running water. I feed cat food (very high protein), game fish food, grain, and layer. I supplement with feeder fish and mealworms. I also throw "grit" (crushed granite sold for gizzard fodder) in the ponds 3x a week. The birds pick it up off the bottom of the ponds like mad. Every breeder will have a different answer but I believe hitting the 30% mark on protein, consistent, clean, fresh water, and a good supply of grit are vital to day to day health.
I am looking for a 2013/2014 hatch hoddie and smew hen if any one of y'all can help that would be great!! Pm me if you know anybody with them for sale! Thanks!!

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