They could be birds with bad breeding
I think that's inherit when humans follow SOP. Genetics are a river that never stops flowing, and when humans focus on superficial characteristics like appearance genes essential to health will wash away unnoticed

The healthiest chickens in the world will always be mutts free from SOP, such as the feral Ayam Kampung
Yeah, if I've learned nothing else in my years of keeping animals, it's that everything is always fine until it isn't. With something like avian flu and the way it's so easily spread by wild birds it's really just up to chance. No amount of stringent bio security management is going to keep an infected migratory duck out of your pond, for example.
My heart goes out to all those effected, I wish there were better answers.
I think that's inherit when humans follow SOP. Genetics are a river that never stops flowing, and when humans focus on superficial characteristics like appearance genes essential to health will wash away unnoticed

The healthiest chickens in the world will always be mutts free from SOP, such as the feral Ayam Kampung
True, but a lot of people at least start with chicks from a hatchery because it's cheap and easy. I've heard that barnyard mixes/mutts are usually the healthiest, but not everybody wants or can have a rooster so that they can breed for health, either. So many chicken keepers, like me, are stuck with less than healthy hatchery stock. We do what we can for them to make sure they're well cared for and as healthy as possible, but there's only so much that can be done.
@ No coop no problem:

(What is the meaning of "SOP" in your previous post? I thought in the 1st example you might've meant Standard Operating Procedure, but in the 2nd one, that didn't seem to fit. :hmm)

I have a sick 8 month old Bielefelder pullet and I'm worried about Bird Flu. She's been quite Dumpy for at least 4 days. She barely eats and she nests on the ground of the coop, (a winterized chicken tractor) instead of on the roosting bars like the others.

Whatever it is, it's just her.

When I look at websites about bird flu symptoms in chickens, most of those listed don't really match up.

Perhaps there is a better thread in which to post this question, but I also was curious about SOP.
I have a sick 8 month old Bielefelder pullet and I'm worried about Bird Flu. She's been quite Dumpy for at least 4 days. She barely eats and she nests on the ground of the coop, (a winterized chicken tractor) instead of on the roosting bars like the others.

Whatever it is, it's just her.

Perhaps there is a better thread in which to post this question, but I also was curious about SOP.

If you have a pullet that is not well, it would be best to start your own thread in the ER forums. Give details of her symptoms, photos of her and her poop along with what you feed, including treats. Having your own thread, you will get more personalized posts/suggestions to hopefully help you treat your pullet. As always, if vet care is an option, this is best.

How to start a thread:

I know OP posted this several months ago but I just now saw it so forgive me for keeping this going, :oops: but this:
Did the OP ever have a necropsy or diagnosis to know that it is in fact bird flu and not something else?
is the first thing I thought when I read the post. Of course I don't know that it isn't AI, but there are many unknowns here and it could be a few different things. I also understand they may not have access to testing for multiple reasons.

Also, when they took the cat to the vet what did the vet say (other than fluid in lungs?) Did the vet know about the sick and dying birds too? That seems like an important piece of info for cat or human health.

That being said, I hope the OP knows I'm truly sorry they've had to go through this. You sound like you care deeply for your animal (and human) friends and I feel you-it can be extremely frustrating when things like this happen and we have seemingly no control over it. I have an old cat right now (going on 20) and although it's not imminent, I know I probably don't have much time left with her and it makes me sad to think about her not being here.

I guess what I mean to say is hang in there, buddy. :hugs Hopefully things will be getting better for you soon!

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