I got to go on a birthday trail ride last week! It was so great to be back on a horse again, even if it was just for an hour. I rode a Paint mare named Halo, and she was perfect. :)
Oh goodness, Max is such a doofus sometimes. :rolleyes: So, I pulled him out for dinner tonight and lined his bucket up at the block, so I could stand on it and rub on him and whatever while he ate, associating good things with the mounting block and me standing on it. He'd been a bit skeptical of it. Well, that went well, but after, I was preparing to get on, and he pushed me while I tied off his lead. Um, NO. I lunged him a bit, and he stopped short and the end of the lead was still swinging and whapped his rump. Shocked look, scared eyes, because of course he was abused. :he "Well, don't look at me! You walked into it! You're fine. Yes really. I was not trying to hit you." A light comes on while I pet him and he seems to realize I wasn't trying to hurt him. I proceed trying the rope, go to the block, he stands perfectly still so I can get on, let's me on, and stands perfectly still after! HUGE improvement! So I walked 2 laps, went to the block and he stood perfectly for the dismount too. I wanted to keep it short and sweet. And he went back like a gentleman too! Not sure what exactly he realized tonight, but something changed!
What is everyone else doing with their horses?
Just finished up grooming everyone. I was only going to groom Ronin and Apple today since I did Drago yesterday and with them all being young I try to give them break days in-between being handled. Well Drago decided to go into the empty stall, closed the gate behind him and stood there with his head right next to the lead I had tied up for the other two. I didn’t even bother to halter him he just stood there getting brushed down and his feet picked. He had his head down and his eyes almost closed like he was about to fall asleep lol he loves it

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