I have a great image of this. I totally get it. And no that’s not too much. I do the same thing. I thing we all do to some extent We just care and have compassion. Your birds sound awesome. I have to start doing tuna. I keep forgetting that as a supplement. Mine gorged themselves before bedtime, so I’m hoping that cracked corn in there metabolizing helps keeps them warm overnight. We have them in the absolute worst spot as far as wind. Full blast. Only spot that was best for them overall though. Stay warm.Today was cold enough here in CT that the girls didnt want to leave their run! It was the wind chill on top of it. -8 with the wind. Soooo, I took a sled, placed it in run and filled it with some coco coir, and a tray of some pea sprouts I planted indoors last week, threw it all in the sled and added some hemp bedding a a bit of scratch and meal worms and watched the chickens go at it with vigor! I also gave them a bit of scrambled egg and tuna today as well. (probably too much), but i get all worked up if they are cold. I'll see the effects tomorrow morning with their droppings. Its supposed to be even colder -14 tomorrow. its that darn wind! Gets everyones feathers ruffled. Especially mine whilst trying to keep theirs in place, lol.