How come my chickens are scared of me?

I feel your pain.
I was so happy to have two hens hatch chicks but now I realize I can't hold them and hand raise them
because the Momma's would get hostile & puffy. :eek:(

So, I've had them since birth but they'll never cuddle-cuddle chickens cause of Momma.
Sit w them. Talk to them. I have some that will fight for me lap. I also have a roo who will fly up to perch on my arm or shoulder when he knows I have treats (b/c the hens will kick his arse if I simply distribute; he gets nada.)

Start w greens, where they must come 2 u to grab them. Hold tight & use a verbal cue. Then allow some 2 have a piece broken off when their more friendly. I love using kale or turnip greens. They LOVE them & have now started checking my pockets! They just never know when treats r coming.
Make sure you are not moving big. Large gestures even scare my pests, don't move fast, especially above them. You might not think you are making big movements or moving fast, but look at it from their point of view
Sit down with plenty of time and lots of treats. DO NOT be impatient, because that will put you back to square one.
Patience and good luck.
Thanks for the GREAT advice. I went out today. I sat down and threw them some carrots. I wen to check in the coop, and 2 were still in there. They let me grab them and take them into the run. I sat down with them whi,e the other ate nthe carrots. They let me pet them some, so I gave them some oatmeal. They LOVED it. Eventually one flew off my lap. The other just sat and watched the other chickens. I think I made a little progress with those two. Any good treat ideas for tomorrow?
Continue regular hand feeding of treats.....before you know it they come to your call. Mine literally come running from wherever they are in the yard as soon as I open the door. (wasn't always this way though, mine were skittish too)
How come my chickens are scared of me? I know they know it's me because when i go to feed them, they will run in their run. That's about as close as they'll come to me though. It is such a hassle to try to catch one, so I can help it (if something is wrong). I've tried treats, but they still don't come to me. I've has them since the were 2 days old. (May of last year) It makes me sad to see people on BYC who have chickens that will let them hold 'em and "love" on them. What gives with my chickens?
Hi there I'm not going to rub it in but I have four chickens the same breed and they're the only ones that will fly up and land on my shoulder and let me pick them up the other ones it all depends on the breed I think but these four white ones they're my buddies all my birds are my buddies
Hi there I'm not going to rub it in but I have four chickens the same breed and they're the only ones that will fly up and land on my shoulder and let me pick them up the other ones it all depends on the breed I think but these four white ones they're my buddies all my birds are my buddies
This thread is 11 years old my friend, you're not likely to get a response from the op. and the chickens in question have likely passed away. Chickens are individuals. :]

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