I have tried twice to move my hen and her eggs but she end right back to her original nesting spot. Today one of the chicks made her first pip! There are 3 eggs total but one may not have developed.
Anyways, my idea today was to take an old plastic tote I made into a brooder for chicks from the feed store. I cut a large rectangle from the lid and stapled chicken wire underneath so it's open on top but inaccessible. Once the lid is on, it's a great little brooder and now, a nesting box that sits in the same spot that my hen went broody. I put her in there with the eggs and she nuzzled then under her, good sign I think! I placed a shallow water dish in there with her too.
Hopefully I will have some babies tomorrow running around in there!
How was the rest of your hatch with the stubborn broody??