Hey everyone, I really need your help. So I originally bought 30 Jersey Giants a few months ago. When I picked them up they were 1 month old. The birds were in awful shape. Very malnourished, sickly and very aggressive. They had the worst case of Coccidiosis I have ever seen. I finally got them over their illness a week later. I am free feeding them since they are for meat. I have realized the individual I purchased them completely boned me over and sold me 7 Australorps, 8 JG's and 15 Lavender Orpingtons. I cannot put weight on these birds! This is our winters worth of meat! Does anyone have any tips on how to fatten them up. They are 4 months now and like maybe 2 pounds. Guys I am so let down. I am feeding raw goat milk since I am backed up on that. It is 80 degrees and corn makes my birds hot so I am not feeding that. I would highly appreciate any tips you may have we're just trying to provide for our family. Thank you.