How do you regrow a pineapple stem?


Oct 26, 2024
I successfully regrew a store-bought pineapple from its stem, but I haven't been able to copy this success with later pineapples. I carefully twisted the stem off from the body. I then peeled off two-three layers from the bottom. I then let it dry for a day or two. I then placed it in a jar of water and roots would grow out for half and inch but then they would stop. I then planted it but it died. This has happened for all the later pineapples I bought from the store. What am I doing wrong?
I'm not sure, but if I put the stem in water it tends to rot.

Another technique will give you pups rather than the top of the old plant. I can't find the original video. This one is a followup.

How old were they when you tried regrowing them? Full disclosure: I have not tried to regrow pineapple, but for celery and lettuce I’ve had better success rates if I chop the base off within a day or so of bringing it home to start the process as soon as possible, and even then the success rates haven’t been perfect. My assumption is most of the failed attempts were too old, and whatever could have grown back had died.

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