How high can chickens fly?

I let my new chickens out yesterday into a new chicken run.... Until I build a nice coop, they are staying in one of those portable dog fences about 4' high and covered with a tarp. My wife came in and told me (after dark) that 2 were missing. The new run is 5' high. The two missing ones were just outside and above the run, roosting side by side in a Quava tree. They are still young and the ones that got out were a young rooster and a little hen, maybe a bantam easter egger???? not laying yet, so time will tell.... I will have to either raise my run or cover it, either way more work.... Oh well. The guy where I bought the chickens called and told me to stop by. He gave me an easter egger that is laying and had a tamed beautiful huge white rooster to give me but I turned down the rooster....
Tomorrow I'm getting one of those metal sheds and renovating it in to a coop my question is for the run, the highest wire I could find is five feet high will this contain my chickens? I caint have them get out because they like my neighbors garden, preferably I would rather not cover the run. I have easter eggers, new hampshire reds japanese bantam, cochin bantam and several other hybrids. Wing clipping maby? And I'm aware of my Japanese bantam flying Wich is fine she is not the problem give me your opinions.

My run is about 4 ft high. If you clip the feathers on one wing of each bird it will help.

Make sure there is no blood in the shaft of the feather before you clip or your bird may bleed to death.

On some birds you may even have to clip a few secondary flight feathers.

One wing throws the bird off balance and is more effective than trimming equal amounts off both wings.
I have leghorns and rir and they can clear my 6 foot fences with a wing cliped they get flapping and walk up the side till they get over, and if not clipped they just fly out I still say cover it for me that was the only answer. Some just like to be free or they like to tempt fate with neighbors cats and dogs not sure which
Well I set up every thing and I had three fly over the runs fence so I clipped their wings and haven't got over it again. The rest of the chickens haven't even tried to fly over it so I haven't clipped their wings.

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