How long are eggs good?


12 Years
Oct 4, 2012
Huntsville Texas
My sons new mower finally came and he’s mowing tonight. He found a cardboard box in our burn pile with about 2 dozen eggs in it!! Are they good? Do a float test on them? Or just discard?
I don't know but I think it's worth it to do the float test because a couple eggs may be good.🥚With the float test, when in doubt just toss them.
I'd discard them, especially if they've been out in the sun and/or rain. Then you probably need to confine your birds to (re)train them to lay in the coop nests.

When in doubt....
Open eggs one at a time in a separate dish before adding to pan or recipe,
use your eyes, nose, and common sense to decide if egg is OK to eat.

Floating an egg will only tell you how old it might be.
They float due to evaporation when older.
It will not tell you if an egg is 'good' or 'bad'.
Plus then you've wetted the egg so it should be thoroughly washed and refrigerated.


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