How long is too long?


10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
Mechanicsburg, Ohio
OK, I set with the New Years bunch a batch of white Silkie eggs. These were shipped eggs, and out of 21, 10 made it to lock down...2 hatched a day late on the 2nd, and the rest are quiet. When I removed the chicks to the brooder, I took a quick look at the other eggs, and they all appear to be developed, but I didn't see any movement. How long do I keep them in the bator before I call it quits? I would think if they were going to hatch, they would have with the other two, but even they were nearly 24hrs apart how long do I wait before doing eggtopsies?
Im sorry to say but I think that time has come. If you help at this point, you may have some survivors but they may be malformed from spending too much time inside the shell
Better luck next time!!
Sorry about your chicks. Im on lockdown tonight and Im worried I will have same problem. Glad you had some hatch out x
I have just cracked open 5 out of 6 eggs. It is day 22 and the air sacks were very large. There was nothing inside but yolk
I have left one it does look different to the other 5. I will give it a day or two. I was surprised that they did not smell, even when I broke them open.
your temp was too low that they didn't even begin to develope. if they were just infertile, they would have stank. get a candler. if all you saw was yolk when you cracked them open, you should have candled earlier.

I apologize if I offend you but I don't feel sorry for you.

I mean if no development happens at all to the point of lockdown, those eggs should have been tossed and replaced to save you the grief. If you had candled earlier.
I am sorry it worked out this way. Candling is an art I believe, and it takes time and experience. I am still trying to get it right.
It'll go better next time.
Thankyou everyone for all your comments. I didnt know that canderling was that important. And that you could tell from canderling to raise the temp. I have now discovered that the termometer was low. I put in another one in and I have two different readings.

You all have been very supportive and for that I thankyou x
I am so paranoid I keep 3 thermometers in the bator. I had 4 for a while but really....! I don't think you can tell about temps from candling, but you will know if your eggs are developing and when they are not. Usually

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