How many BYCers are College Students?

I am in grad school. I have an AA in general studies from College of Southern Nevada, a BSc. in Environmental Geology from California State University, San Bernardino and am currently in grad school. My current status:

College: California State University, Fullerton
Degree program: MSc in geology (emphasis in Hydrgeology)
Classification: graduate student (first year...graduate May of 2010)

I also work PT as a Research Assistant on campus and PT as a Staff hydrogelogist for a company. I will become full-time once I defend my thesis early next year.
Grrrrrrrr!!!! You are the student that makes me ban computers. It's very rude to play online while the professor is teaching. Please be respectful of their work. It takes a lot of time and energy and effort to prepare and present a lecture. If you don't want to hear it and learn from it, just stay home. Playing online is very distracting to the other students as well.

Okay, rant over. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
I went to college in 1992 and never left*... does that count?

*never left means:
1992-1997 - earned my BA
1997-1998 - continued working at my undergrad college
1998-2003 - got a job at another college, earned my M.Ed.
2003-2006 - momentarily sidetracked into another career pathway, hated it
2006 - now - work a college, earned a business certificate... decided I'm d.o.n.e. with classes!

Coincidentally, I agree with CityGirlintheCountry about doing non-class stuff in class. I don't allow students in my classes to use their laptops unless it's for note-taking. If students want to check the weather or write emails, they can do it on their time... not mine.
College student! Thats me!
College: East Carolina University
Degree program: Biology Major, M.D. in 7 Program but am thinking about becoming a vet instead
Classification (Freshman, Senior, etc.): I'm a freshman because I'm in my second semester of classes, but I have the credit hours to classify as a sophomore so whichever
Grrrrrrrr!!!! You are the student that makes me ban computers. It's very rude to play online while the professor is teaching. Please be respectful of their work. It takes a lot of time and energy and effort to prepare and present a lecture. If you don't want to hear it and learn from it, just stay home. Playing online is very distracting to the other students as well.

Okay, rant over. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Hmmm..... well thanks for the rude comment.

Class hadnt started, my professor wasnt even there at the time. Think before speaking. Dont assume you know the whole story until you ask.
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I'm not quite that 'out of the norm', but I am also not your typical student. I don't have any grandchildren (yet, oldest son is 14, so it probably won't be too awful much longer!
), but I have 3 children and many, many pets. I am 33 years old
Kudos to you for going back to school!
I am studying for my second master's degree while working full time. Although I have my Master of Arts in Professional Writing, it's sometimes hard to pay the bills just off of my writing and editing work. Since my undergrad degree was a double major of English and psychology (B.A.), I decided to follow up with a degree in counseling. I am now in my second term toward my Master of Science in Christian Counseling. Yay!
Grrrrrrrr!!!! You are the student that makes me ban computers. It's very rude to play online while the professor is teaching. Please be respectful of their work. It takes a lot of time and energy and effort to prepare and present a lecture. If you don't want to hear it and learn from it, just stay home. Playing online is very distracting to the other students as well.

Okay, rant over. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Hmmm..... well thanks for the rude comment.

Class hadnt started, my professor wasnt even there at the time. Think before speaking. Dont assume you know the whole story until you ask.

OEGBMan, I am not going to start a fight with you. Suffice it to say that I did think before posting and was working off your statement that you were in class at the time. That statement indicates that you were actually in class, meaning that class had started. I have had enough students play online in class to be really irritated by such behavior. Truthfully, your generation has a sweeping tendency to be rude and self-centered (admittedly a generalization on my part). I apologize if you are not in that group, but I'm afraid your peers have created an image that you will unfortunately have to work against.

(And before you paint me as an old and bitter, I should point out that I am relatively new to teaching. I came in with a very Polyanna attitude that my students would all want to learn and would all behave as adults. What I have discovered is that many are still wanting to be spoon fed and that many will not take responsibility for their education. Texting, cell phone use and online play during class are all indicitive of this juvenile attitude. My best students all have a personal work ethic that prevents such behavior and ensures that they get the most out of the classes that they are taking. Let's face it- tuition is so insanely high these days that it's foolish to waste even a second of class time. I try very hard to not waste my students' time or money. I expect the same respect from them.)

Again, my apologies if you are in the mature, hard-working group. I wish you only the best in your academic career.

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