How many BYCers are College Students?

College: Northeastern State University Oklahoma
Degree program: Psychology with mental health option
Classification (Freshman, Senior, etc.): Graduating this May

I have just been accepted for graduate school in order to obtain my LPC.

I can not wait until the fall!!!
The best advice I can give is take different courses and "feel out" the different subjects. I changed my major so many times in undergrad with the idea that I HATED science. I took a geology class since it seemed the most interesting of the sciences classes that I could take for GE courses. Liked the class, but didn't think much beyond that since it was science. Had I been open to "feeling out" the subject, I probably could have saved myself several years of nonsense. I ended up spending 10 years on my bachelors degree. That geology class was during my freshman year of college and it wasn't until 6-1/2 years later than I came to the realization that I really enjoy geology. I am not suggesting take a geology class (though...ya never know!
)...I am just sharing my experience that began with being undecided.
Good luck! Hope you find your niche far sooner than I did!

Yeah I want to at least do something with environmental studies. Was supposed to meet with my advisor today but couldn't. They offer environmental studies as a minor but I might want to major in it. I wish that school had some agricultural type classes....... maybe I should look into the more.
I'm a bit of an oddball when it comes to this. I went to community college for 2 years when I finished high school. After that, I just went to work for several years. Now, at age 25, I've decided to go back for 2 more years and get a BA.

I'm just trying to decide whether to attend a public or private college. I like the atmosphere of private colleges better, but the prices of public colleges better.
Me to

Colege:National American University
Degree Porgram:pharmacy Technicain
Graduate: May 17, 2009

I want the degree so much but then I dont want to graduate yet
not ready to pay the loans yet haha. Might be continue for mine BA'S
State: California (Northern)
College: Currently listed as a Senior at Ca. State but taking classes at Los Medanos Community College
Degrees: BA in Liberal Arts (elementary teacher) at State with a second major in Ethnic studies
Minor in Child Development at the Community college.

It might seem as if I am bragging some but it is more of a you can do it also thing.

I never finished High School. Most of that time I was a single mom of 7 children. My youngest three still at home 14,9,4,
Two sons live with dad 16, and 19 two grown an out of the house (sort of).

When I finish in June at the Community College I will finally get my HS diploma and my AA:weee


I have a friend who is a Pharm. Tech. She LOVES it and is looking at getting her BS in pharmacy to become a Pharmacist. That'll keep ya busy for a few years before having to pay back loans (though you'll be racking up more in the mean time).
College: Texas A&M university

Degree program: Reproductive Physiology

Classification (Freshman, Senior, etc.): PhD student ...

I think I still count... I am getting my PhD, hopefully in two years from May. Gotta love lifetime students!!

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