How many chickens do you have, and what are their names if they have names?

Joey and dolly

Jul 23, 2022
SW Louisiana
Hey, y'all! I think it would be fun to find out how many chickens everybody has and what are their names. oo and the breed
I have 11 chickens,

Joey - Easter egger
Nala - Easter egger
Martha - Easter egger
Daisy - Easter egger
Summer - Easter egger
Rose - Easter egger
Red - Rhode island red
Bingo - Carolina red Orpington
Goldie - Carolina red Orpington
Midnight - Black sex link
Darth Vader - Black sex link
I have 20 chickens.

Brutus - Mutt
Tookie (profile pic) - Mutt
Hawk - Mutt
Egghead - Mutt
Tookie Two - Mutt
Scratcher - Mutt
Ulysses - Easter Egger
Rocky - Barred Rock
Oreo - Barred Rock
Oyster Cracker - Easter Egger
Cocoa - Mutt
Princess - Mutt
Chick-a-dee - Buff Orpington
Angel - Dominique
Domino - Dominique
Chippie - Welsummer
Muffin - Easter Egger
Willow - Easter Egger
No name cockerel - Welsummer
No name cockerel - Easter Egger
I feel like everybody names their Barred Rocks Oreo.:lol:
There's a
I have 20 chickens.

Brutus - Mutt
Tookie (profile pic) - Mutt
Hawk - Mutt
Egghead - Mutt
Tookie Two - Mutt
Scratcher - Mutt
Ulysses - Easter Egger
Rocky - Barred Rock
Oreo - Barred Rock
Oyster Cracker - Easter Egger
Cocoa - Mutt
Princess - Mutt
Chick-a-dee - Buff Orpington
Angel - Dominique
Domino - Dominique
Chippie - Welsummer
Muffin - Easter Egger
Willow - Easter Egger
No name cockerel - Welsummer
No name cockerel - Easter Egger
Tookie Jr?
I have 15 14 girls and OOPS
Zora-Red sex link
Edna- " " "
Barbie - RIR
Aretha- Black Austrolorp.
Pearl- Smokey Pearl
Emma-. ". ". "
Lilly prissy pants - ". ".
Franchesca - Leghorn
Fedora - "
Foghorn - "
Dotty - Calif. White
Phyllis- EE
The muffin sisters
Cinnamon EE
Apple- EE
Henry My wellsummer roo
was supposed to be a EE pullet! .


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I have 10 chickens, 9 girls and 1 boy.

Bluebell - Sapphire Gem
Gabby - Speckled Sussex
Yuna - Black Sex Link
Ginger - Amberlink
Robin - ISA Brown
Ramona - Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
Grenda - Black Jersey Giant
Pepper - White Crested Black Polish (the one in my profile pic)
Ava - Buff Laced Polish
Sandy - Easter Egger Cockerel (He was supposed to be a pullet)

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