How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Just had to jump back on here to brag and gather sympathy for one of my babies. Just went and gathered the eggs again including Goldies and had one that eclipsed the egg from the other day. This one measures 2.598" by 1.919". Anyone have any goose egg cartons? I don't know which hen laid it but suspect it's the one that's walkin funny and slow.
18 again... and I think one our EE's will by laying soon, shes really been checking out the nestboxes today and even made a nest in the corner of the coop:thumbsup

4/4 x 2 days, because I didn't collect them yesterday.
6 whites and 2 browns so the math adds up.
My girls just started laying last weekend. Out of the 2 1/2 dozen eggs they've generated so far, three have been double yolkers, which I LOVE! Today, I haven't gathered, yet. It's an all morning affair with them, so, I'll wait a little while, since I'm off today, to go and check 'em out.
Our 5 mos old RR & Plymoth Rocks started laying last week, we have gotten aprx 1 egg per day TOTAL (14 hens!). Everyone free ranges. Should I lock everyone up for a few days so they know where to lay or is this normal. We have a 6 acre property with bush so they could be laying anywhere.

New to this so I would love some advice.

Oh and I am only 5 mos into chicken life with 7 RIR hens + 1 very proud rooster and 7 Barred Plymoth rocks. We processed 100 meat birds in August and have 4 silly guineas hens that strut and squak. WE ARE HOOKED AND IN LOVE who thought chickens would be so addictive and wonderful

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