How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 chicken egg's today

Temp 101 F degrees nice day with a slight breeze
12 dozen. Should be getting 16 to 18 dozen. My older flock needs to be sold off. 2-3 year olds not laying + at least a couple egg eaters.... Sigh.
One day, one coop. This is just part of the days eggs. These ones are extras and are auction bound.

Why are they considered "extra"? Do you have a set number that are committed to buyers? What happens to the other 10,000 that you get tomorrow?

And, I thought an average of 2-3 dozen in the fridge at any given time was a lot. HAH!
Good news for the day,9/9 consistantly for last week, The Red Comets and the leghorns may not be the friendliest chickens but what they do, they do well, produce eggs! 

Bad news for the day....something got into the little coop and we've lost a Brahma and a Buff. We think our 10 year old daughter went into the coop sometime today and didn't latch it when she left ( the joys of ADHD and Autism), but somehow the very heavy and high up on the door latch was opened. Around 7pm my hubby went out to collect eggs and check the waterers and he saw a Buff running across the backyard and a Easter Egger flying back into the little coop! He had to round up the rest of the babies and get them back in the little run, they've never been out of their run so it was a trying experience for my hubby to get them back in! while rounding them up he was doing a head count and realized he was missing two, he finally found them in the little coop under the ladder. He said they both had a chunk missing from their neck and there was blood and feathers all over the coop. He had to clean and sanitize the coop while calming our daughter and the remaining babies down. Not to mention he was trying not to cry himself! When I came home he had to tell me what happened and we all started crying!:hit We have become really attached to the babies in the new flock!

Old German saying, "Those lessons learned best are those learned hardest". (Sic)
4 chicken egg's today

2 egg's from the control group

2 egg's free rangers but the last one was produced late in the evening

The egg's are larger with the control group .......
The free rangers are getting cooked feed and the control group gets dry feed and celling fans and a swamp cooler to help keep them cool .....

Temp today was 108 F degrees in the shade so it is warming back up ....
We have 2 leghorns and a RIR, all about 3 years old and have all been frequent, regular donors to the cause, About two months ago the RIR stopped laying but the LH's keep on keepin on. Only difference I can see is the RIR's (brown) eggs have always been very thin shelled while the LH's were normal. Of course they all share the same food. Today I found a brown shell, broken, in the nest.but not an egg in 2 months. They all free range a couple hours each day. Any ideas???
Welcome to BYC!
I could be a range of things, including hiding a nest.
Go up to the header and under 'Learning center" the second brown box, you might find a thread that has the answer to this.
Go to forums, raising back yard chickens, and then chicken behaviors and egg laying.
Someone might have a better idea than me.
They should start slowing up as the days get shorter, but it seems too soon for that.
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