How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

No eggs
It varies daily, 14 barred rock hens various ages. Some days 11eggs, a couple times 12, but than other days as few as 6??? Is there something in thier environment that changes that drastically? We keep a pretty consistant routine on feed, water etc.

In my 1 year of experience. 1/2 decrease is totally fine and normal. Heat and other stress might take 1-2 days to affect most chickens as that will likely already have an egg in route before the stress.

Back when I had just 6 I could tell each girls egg apart and was even able to track who skipped when and how often. I averaged 4 a day but anywhere between 2 and 6. I had 2 that laid 7+ in a row 2 that laid 3-4 in a row and 2 that laid 2-3 in a row. Most days were 3 to 5 eggs but sometimes most of them took a break on the same day. 90% of the time if I got only 2-3 eggs one day with no obvious stress the next would easily be 5-6 eggs. If they stayed in the 2-4 range over the next few days I would have to think back to possible issues, did anything happen? Has it been to hot? Recently I had 12 girls I have 11 now as one randomly died (heat I believe) my egg count dropped from a 7 average to a 4 average for the remaining 11, but it wasn't till the second full day after she passed that I saw the decrease. 3 or 4 days later I was getting 6-7 eggs again.

Basically as long as they bounce back the next day don't stress a sudden drop. If they drop and stay low consider what's been going on.
2/3 from our layers
0/7 from the 17 week pullets.

We did remind them they could start laying at any time lol. They are our 1 day olds we brought home.

Our layers were laying when we got them.... So it's hard to be patient.
8 today, but none from the biggest coop. There are 2 broodies in there now. I should be hatching eggs out tomorrow or this weekend, if she hatches anything. The other broody just started yesterday & I believe she is sitting on any & all eggs that have been laid in the last 2 days!
8 today, but none from the biggest coop. There are 2 broodies in there now. I should be hatching eggs out tomorrow or this weekend, if she hatches anything. The other broody just started yesterday & I believe she is sitting on any & all eggs that have been laid in the last 2 days!
I am using an incubator no one is broody thankfully

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