How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Just wanted to share that Wellie laid an egg with speckles today.

BTW, I got 2 yesterday and 2 today


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Another perfect day, 7 out of seven.

I haven't let them out to forage in the yard for the last two or three months and they don't seem to mind being confined to 320 square feet of space. I give them weeds most days to eat to supplement their feed.

Being locked up all day might not be an ideal situation from their bird brained perspectives, but it sure makes my life a lot easier. LOL
1 today, from reliable Juin.

Juillet tried to lay in the heat of the day again, then gave up after an hour. She’ll likely lay in the early morning.

Août has been dropping her wing feathers, so I’m thinking she’s starting to molt. I assume the eggs will come less frequently and then not at all when this happens, but I’ve never been through this before, as this batch were my first chickens.

My three little chicks are doing well, though my new Dominique Marzo, who ricochets around the brooder like a pinball, went and scraped her little foot. I’m trying to find a way to treat it to prevent infection and stop her or the others from picking at it. Any advice is welcome!
1 today, from reliable Juin.

Juillet tried to lay in the heat of the day again, then gave up after an hour. She’ll likely lay in the early morning.

Août has been dropping her wing feathers, so I’m thinking she’s starting to molt. I assume the eggs will come less frequently and then not at all when this happens, but I’ve never been through this before, as this batch were my first chickens.

My three little chicks are doing well, though my new Dominique Marzo, who ricochets around the brooder like a pinball, went and scraped her little foot. I’m trying to find a way to treat it to prevent infection and stop her or the others from picking at it. Any advice is welcome!
If you have some Blue-Kote you can use that. We can’t get it here so I have to get it when I make a border run for shopping.

I also use Aluspray - it’s an aluminium spray for wounds, I have found this also works to stop pecking.

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