How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Good Morning All,
1 egg yesterday from my Isa brown kid, she is less than a year old and in her prime to lay all her eggs, poor kid.

I love watching my chickens running around chasing flies, butterflies, and lizard, those cute fluffy feather, feet, and their faces, I just simply can not have enough of it. The day that I don't have chickens is the day I can not care for myself.
I love sardines on my homemade bread toasted ♥️ Sorry chooks!
I love sardines too, I also have it with toasted and sardines mixed with red onion, apple cider vinegar, a good amount of black pepper. My chickens, dogs and I love our sardines. My dogs running over whenever they hear the sound of the sardines can open.😁
Except my Silver laced Wyandotte, she looks at it, then walked away. She likes egg those.
I heard today that, due to AI (avian influenza, not artificial intelligence, lol), tens of millions of laying hens have been euthanized across the nation, and in some places the cost of eggs has gone up to $10 / doz.!!! So hang on to your chickens, I think people will buy those eggs.
I was asked to sell my chicken eggs for $5 a dozen. I did not sell it because I shared it with my family and friends. My chickens are not reliable egg layers, only when they fancy it.😁
Mine are in their first adult molt now, too, they hatched in March. Weird timing in winter, isn't it? I've been feeding them salmon and sardines for extra protein, it seems to be helping (and they love it).
Some of my hens molt in winter, I was thinking why? So cold and losing feather? Is that how nature work? Then now in summer, super hot, humid, the Wyandottes are molting. They should molt as they have thick layer of feather.
Some of my hens molt in winter, I was thinking why? So cold and losing feather? Is that how nature work? Then now in summer, super hot, humid, the Wyandottes are molting. They should molt as they have thick layer of feather.
Summer now for you? You must be in Land Down Under.
4 eggs today, from Brelly, Helmi, Marzo and Juin

5714126B-D978-4D38-9943-A77110B428F6.jpeg Look at this lovely ombré! :love
Summer now for you? You must be in Land Down Under.
Yes, I am. Summer, lots of rain, humidity, storm, ....I have not been to the beach in ages, ...I get sunburn just walking about in my garden tending to my chickens, the sun here is high in UV, I can feel the burn on my skin. But this morning, the air is cool, and light wind. A bit later it will be hot, clear blue sky in summer mean dry heat. I enjoy it now while it still cool
Half a dozen, may have another once I lock them up for the night but then again that girl has been known to sleep in the nest box. Still trying to figure out who is laying the bottom left brown egg. I missed whoever it was by maybe an hour as the egg was not warm but not icy cold either.
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Pretty eggs!

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