How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yes, I know that treat only 10%, but....horrible but, I was cooking a week full of beans so I gave them some, and this hen might not be as strong so the impact crop, now sour crop. Her crop is moving, very slowly, but it is moving. She is in sick base for the last two days. Poor girl and it is my fault.
I really hope her health improves soon ❤️
3 yesterday.

1 of those 3 I don't know who did it, it could be 1 of the 2 Wyandottes that are molting as they lay pointy creamy eggs. I can never tell their eggs apart. Just one a bit less pointy than the other, very hard to judge.

My mix hen Minty started with an impact crop, then now it moves into a sour crop. I think she eats too much cooked beans, brown rice and sweet potatoes. I am off with the treat for a few days at least so that no one else get this crop issue.
Hopefully she will recover quickly.
3 eggs today, from my pullets Helmi, Brelly and Marzo :)


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