How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

This morning I had to go to work and when I got home, I found this small, fairy sized egg in the coop. It had a soft covering over a hard shell. (Is that weird?) Then I saw Bossy in the Crepe Myrtles near the mailbox so I went to check and it appeared she was about to lay an egg. I went inside for a few minutes and returned to see she was still there, trying to lay an egg. I saw the egg come out and went to grab it but there were two! One was Bossy sized, extra large and the other was Flossy sized, large, but both were warm. I managed to drop one trying to compare them as I walked back to the house. The big girls got to it quick. I peeled the soft covering off the fairy egg, and I guess it’s still okay to eat as an egg white?
Egg in an egg. Petunia laid one last Spring. Actually she laid 2 within a week of each other; she was plagued with laying issues. She has gone through a moult so I am hoping her egg factory settings have reset!


Leathery outside, albumen and a regular egg inside.
What type of Bantam do you have? I am curious as to what sort of egg my OEGB banty pullet will lay. She has been going around all clucky like she wants to lay an egg, but I don’t see any wee eggs yet. She hatched 13 May, so she is over 5 months old, I thought she would be laying before now.
And after I typed this in my wee bantam went and laid her first egg! Thanks Mrs Little Chicken. It’s a good size for such a wee chicken!

The egg next to is is likely a medium sized egg.
I am very intolerant to dogs running at large. After dealing with the dogs over the years chasing my horses I have no issue with calling animal control to pick them up.

If their dogs are microchipped then the owners will be notified otherwise they are sent to the SPCA and adopted out, or euthanized if they are not adorable.

So far I have not had any issues with dogs and the chooks. Most likely because all the neighbours know better then to let their dogs run at large around me!

This morning I found 2 eggs in the nest boxes - a pink and a blue egg 😊

Yesterday I was blessed with a bakers dozen. Thanks ladies! You are earning your keep ♥️
I managed to get the whole pack of dogs back to their owner the next morning before I let the chickens out. I have their number if their dogs come back, but they promised not to let them out without a leash anymore… we’ll see.
What type of Bantam do you have? I am curious as to what sort of egg my OEGB banty pullet will lay. She has been going around all clucky like she wants to lay an egg, but I don’t see any wee eggs yet. She hatched 13 May, so she is over 5 months old, I thought she would be laying before now.
Lets see I have 4. A black cochin, there is shift knob she is silkie x polish sleek but the poof on the head. We have a white silkie and a frizzle.

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