How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yes, their performance is unrivaled but it comes at a costly price as they exhaust themselves rather early on and their tiny bodies succumb to the overexertion.
Yes this is true, those production breeds just burn themselves out laying so many eggs. They are highly prone to reproductive cancers also - poor wee lovely darlings.

I have 3 Azur Blue and they are a leghorn x Araucana hybrid - they lay almost every day - large blue eggs - I am preying they moult and stop laying soon, they are a yr and a half so have been laying over a yr now.

Leghorns are lovely wee hens - just wish they weren’t so prolific.
I got 1 hen like Domino, I can not tell mine is a Barred Rock or Domino. She only do farted eggs every now and then, she has never lay any other eggs. I got her when she was 1.5 year old, I was told she did not get on well with the new flock so she had to go.

I got her because I had a lone hen. My Barred Rock called Apple. Apple did not bond with me alone hen. Then she beat up the rest of the flock, she eats the most, and she is the biggest girl in the flock. She pooped liquid, no eggs from her, beat up everyone else. She makes very cute gentle sound when she communicate. She has been with me for over a year now, so everyone stay away from her, she is less aggressive, but still no egg. Apple likes human than her flock of chickens. She is so big in size that she sort of a rooster kind, the wild birds do not come down in my yard when she is about.
An even dozen today, which included one from my wee bantam.


For a wee bantam she lays a good sized egg for her size. Can you guess which one is hers?
I live in Maryland and I have some that are 7 months and then some that are about 18 weeks old I no we have some Easter riggers I’m not positive what the rest are
Pullets and hens can stop laying due to lessening daylight hours. This is likely what’s going on with yours, the 18 wk old pullets may even hold off until spring to start laying.

Delaying and stopping laying is good for their bodies, gives their egg factory a break, and they can replenish nutrients and calcium. Don’t look at this as a negative but as a positive, it will allow them to keep laying better eggs longer. They will be healthier for it.


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