How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have a bunch of freeloading lawn ornaments, they are old 5 & 6 yrs old that don’t lay anymore, and a bunch or them moultiing, feathers everywhere! My one poor dear is so bad they are falling off her as she walks!!!!! Fluffy butt feathers and wing feathers everywhere! But I am glad when they moult it gives them a break from laying.
Aw! I have some hens who have slowed down, but none have stopped completely laying so I suppose they wouldn't be called free loaders yet. Although they will take long breaks from laying. 😂
I hope yours get through their molt well!
My thumb went through an egg I was washing this morning, so I cooked it up with the shell. Took it to the girls and found a replacement!

*Got home tonight and Sis said Goldie laid another Banty egg! That’s three eggs from her this week since Sunday, after no eggs for three weeks.


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8 today - chucked one -- poop again, I'm being prissy about it -- it isn't a dirty nest, it looks like Chocolate is just a goopy pooper I guess and these last 2 eggs of hers have touched some right as she's done laying lol it's just a couple little swipes on one end of the egg each time. Anyway, I just throw it away. I don't LIKE throwing away an egg and wasting something but also poop is grodie.

We went to Historic Brattonsville today - it's in South Carolina. We drove our motorbikes and went out for lunch.

They had an early 19th century chicken coop... that kept chickens.



They came to see us and I daresay recognize chicken people when they saw us as they were very friendly and sweet, the Roo was an entire gentleman and the ladies were sweet and curious. They were hanging out with the pigs until we came over and started talking to them and they couldn't wait to come check us out.

There were two cockerels as well and only about 7 hens. Lordy I felt bad for the little things but they didn't look too worse for wear.

A seriously great day out to be had there. They filmed parts of The Patriot there!

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