How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8 yesterday

I don't actually have a photo of the eggs :O

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My potential naughty Maran, Sophia who did not lay yesterday - but sometimes perhaps Marans can skip 2 days?? I do not know, I only know that they can only lay 3x ( to 4x) a week and if it was 4, that'd be every other day, but 3 would be a 2 day skip.

SO TODAY IS THE DAY if I discover she is laying in the hedge! bwahahahhahaha
So did she? 😊
4 lovely eggs today
I found an abandoned rooster at Walmart. He was so sweet but he wouldn't come to me so I had my daughter call animal control but we had to call the police department to get someone out to get him. It makes me angry that people could be so cruel to a poor defenseless animal.

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