How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 today, but we got 6/6 on Friday!
I'm at my wit's end. Nothing I do seems to make a difference. Organic ACV in their water, nutridrench, jalapenos, 22% feed, 16% feed, more feed pans, 11 gallons of water, greens, grit. Always oyster shells.

We got two new hens in July, and my daughter suggested separating them into our mini coop that's in the run to see if that makes a difference. That and adding a timed light in the coop are my last resorts. They definitely molted hard in July, though. Our rooster still has pin feathers. He's almost 5. He's separate, fwiw.
I would try a calcium and vitamin D supplement, they need Vit D to utilize the calcium, and being winter that will be in short supply with the lower sunlight.

I am using Chick’n Swell - Chick’n Egg it’s a calcium & D supplement you add to their water.


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