Nope I make the layer mash for the hens, the mama and babies go out in the run for some exercise for an hr or so and the brats bee line it to the mash! Brats I tell you brats! They eat everything! Fingers included.You make layer mash for the babies? Does it have calcium in it?
I am going to make a hot mash of some of their chick starter tomorrow for them seeing as they enjoy the wet feed so much.
I have let my youngsters run wild with the older hens and eat what they want for years. Never have any issues. They have access to starter then grower (which they also eat well) as they grow up.
They also get to eat copious amounts of horse poop (actually picking the grains that pass through), and any grains not thrashed in the straw bedding. Needless to say they all completely trash the horses’ stalls during the day. Also there is not one spider or bug within 2’ of the barn floor! Yummy!
It’s a pretty good deal my gang has here, my eldest is around 8 or 9, she and my one silkie are my Roo’s favourite ladies.