How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Do you have fake eggs in the nests, good hard ones? How often do you gather eggs? I started to get egg-eaters, but these strategies quickly put a stop to them. I use golf balls. Good luck!
There are 2-3 hard wooden eggs in each nest. I've been watching the camera all morning and running out any time someone leaves a nest box (they're not singing as much anymore).

No eggs eaten so far today! 👍 I've gathered two whites, two greens, one peach, and one brown egg, and there's one blue waiting in the other pen. The brown one was laid right at dawn. I'm glad I caught it early.

We used to have roll out nest boxes in our last coop. We didn't have any problem with egg eaters when we had those. We'll be rebuilding those nest boxes later this year.

sharing the group Im following, they my rouge hatch group from the horse barn. 1 this morning will check afternoon just wanting to get their time of day down. Everyone stay safe in the weather...

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