How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3 yesterday
The bantams are hard at work again!
My Wyandott girl is broody so often since this spring is getting tiresome. She is molting now and broody at the same time. She is unfriendly in her condition and this get her peck at often by the flock. They just do not like her at all. I separated her this morning now so she can be in peace.
3 yesterday
The bantams are hard at work again!
My Wyandott girl is broody so often since this spring is getting tiresome. She is molting now and broody at the same time. She is unfriendly in her condition and this get her peck at often by the flock. They just do not like her at all. I separated her this morning now so she can be in peace.
My silkie pullet started laying eggs, went three weeks and then went broody!

I tried to break her but after 6 weeks she was losing weight so I relented and gave her two chicks. Not easy finding chicks here at Christmas!

Of course she’s and awesome mama being a silkie

Yep two silkie babies for her. And they are likely both cockerels 🤨

Anywhooo - today I got 14 eggs, and again none of them were frozen amazingly. The barn is hovering around 0C inside (-11c outside).
3 eggs today, from Helmi, Brel and Juin :)

Juin’s egg was so thin that Helmi smooshed it when she sat on it. I rescued it before it made a mess and cooked it up for them, which made them happy. I really wish she’d just molt and take a break from laying, it’s been well past a year now. How long can they go without molting? Surely she won’t wait until next autumn… right?

We’re expecting 6” of snow tomorrow, which is a bummer for the girls, but I’m looking forward to it! :wee
I got none as well. Got none since the 20th of December.
my brown eggers (1 Copper Maran and 2 Welsummer) have been on strike since September but the others would normally lay. Especially the pullet that started laying in October and was pretty consistent. The second pullet never even started, all the others (including my leghorn egg machine) stopped altogether on 12/20. Not sure what's going on... but I sure hope they will start production back up soon
Don't think it is just due to short daylight hours? As the days get linger production should start back up again.

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