How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My lavender Orp would love to still hang with her mama, but she is a brat and picks at my old Roos pin feathers coming in, causing them to bleed like crazy! So she gets to stay with the main gang. The old Roo and his ladies are sequestered in the Summer House, my catch all coop/run for babies, elderly and Roos needing protection!

I don’t hatch eggs too hard to deal with unwanted cockerels. As it is my silkie pullet whom I gave the silkie chicks to, is likely brooding two cockerels with my luck.
Aww your poor roo - he is a handsome boy, too.
Most local breeders I come across have a cockeral return policy. i ended up with two cockerals last year - the Barnevelder was a beautiful boy. I should have kept him instead of the Auracana, who ended up attacking me and then set his sights on the dogs standing guard next to me. Beastly creature.
Gosh those chicks are adorable - are they the blue variety then?
The breeder says: They aren't flighty. We only have black roosters so the lacing on the blue hens has been good. Our hens are from quality stock, no red in the feathers

Very pretty chooks.
Aww your poor roo - he is a handsome boy, too.
Most local breeders I come across have a cockeral return policy. i ended up with two cockerals last year - the Barnevelder was a beautiful boy. I should have kept him instead of the Auracana, who ended up attacking me and then set his sights on the dogs standing guard next to me. Beastly creature.
I have such a gorgeous lovely big cockerel here - he must be over 10lbs. He was supposed to be a pullet, but when Shirley started showing spots I knew it was a he.

He’s a black copper Marans x Barred Rock hybrid- so hens will be black and Roos barred. He is a lovely boy very quiet, I can carry him around (he’s a big chunk let me tell you!). I got him and the lavender Orp (Laverne) as day olds and shoved them under my silkie hen to brood. It sure was cute when they were bigger then she was haha.

Awww poor wee mama - sounds like she really is not sure about what she really should do! My hens hang onto their kids for about 3 months - silkies are just baby crazy.
That is super mama your silkies. Her kids are so lucky. Only my Japanese bantam held on to her chick for 9 weeks, that is the longest of my hen. My Australorp is the same like my Wyandotte, 5 weeks is the most they do. Next time I need new chick, the Pekin bantam hen turns. I hope she will keep her kids as long as your silkies or half way.
0 for a week or so now from my blody birds. What is the deal! I'm not sure I'm in it for only the 'love' anymore. The plan was to have eggs enough for my son's family and myself :(
Might be it is too cold? It can not be that cold with all the rain. Have a chat with your girls and might be remind them of the contract they signed, why are they not holding up to the end of it?😄

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