How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

a dozen yesterday! we're dropping off 6 dozen to the food bank today :O my girls are hardworking lovely ladies!

just Dorothy has to get on board with laying now - a very pretty blue laced red wyandotte, very chonky! she is probably the least friendly of all my ladies too - she isn't mean at all, she just RUNS away from me.

It's funny I have so many girls that come and just love to stand ON my feet and rub against my legs and get all up in my grill and peck my socks and shoelaces out of curiosity and then ones like Dorothy who are like HUMAN? NOOOOOO....

I've never held any of them, ever. So it's really just their own personalities.

Oh, I do pet them when they are on a nest, I love it, I talk softly and sweetly to them and tell them how good they are. Most of them coo at me :D

Blanche made raptor noises and pecked, until I was sharp (vocally) with her and she stopped lol I think I said "hey, knock that off" with that 'mom' tone lol

I realize I talk to my birds like I talk to dogs and cats and tiny children lolol
a dozen yesterday! we're dropping off 6 dozen to the food bank today :O my girls are hardworking lovely ladies!

just Dorothy has to get on board with laying now - a very pretty blue laced red wyandotte, very chonky! she is probably the least friendly of all my ladies too - she isn't mean at all, she just RUNS away from me.

It's funny I have so many girls that come and just love to stand ON my feet and rub against my legs and get all up in my grill and peck my socks and shoelaces out of curiosity and then ones like Dorothy who are like HUMAN? NOOOOOO....

I've never held any of them, ever. So it's really just their own personalities.

Oh, I do pet them when they are on a nest, I love it, I talk softly and sweetly to them and tell them how good they are. Most of them coo at me :D

Blanche made raptor noises and pecked, until I was sharp (vocally) with her and she stopped lol I think I said "hey, knock that off" with that 'mom' tone lol

I realize I talk to my birds like I talk to dogs and cats and tiny children lolol
I have always picked up my chickens, so they’re all pretty affectionate, but my Août probably would have been just like your Dorothy if I hadn’t gotten her used to humans when she was young. As it is she still tries to dodge my pets like a cat, dipping under my hand and slinking away. However, when she’s injured or unwell, she’ll sit in my lap while I treat and soothe her, and I really get the sense that she appreciates the love in those moments. I have hens that are pushy for affection too, but Août’s undemanding nature makes those rare moments more precious. I’m clearly a cat person rather than a dog person lol. Or perhaps a chicken person is more accurate :)
This is just super guess work... might be give them some sardine see if that work. I got can sardine in spring water from Aldi $0.90, there are 6 sardines in it. My chickens love that, and it SEEMS that the egg is bigger and my molting hen pooped 1 egg. I am not sure if that was the sardine doing or it is just a coincident.
3 eggs yesterday, it was a surprise so some hens are back at work.
I wonder, what season do chicken molt? Some of my hens molt in winter which I thought it was strange to molt at the time when they need their feather the most. Some of my hens are molting at the moment and we are in summer. So is it depending on the individual hen?
My dog is molting now which is normal with him, molt in summer, fur everywhere and looking messy just like chicken. 😄

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