How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

This is just super guess work... might be give them some sardine see if that work. I got can sardine in spring water from Aldi $0.90, there are 6 sardines in it. My chickens love that, and it SEEMS that the egg is bigger and my molting hen pooped 1 egg. I am not sure if that was the sardine doing or it is just a coincident.

The bones in sardines are small and pretty mushy if I remember correctly... are those okay for chickens to eat?
3-4 a day for a month- consistently from the same 4 pullets -three Sienna Stars (Zelda, Zoet & Zoomer) and 1 Blk Australorp (Aussie).

Hedwig (L. Brahma) is getting plump and more red in the comb, so will be on the lookout for her egg soon 😋. She’s a great layer in her prime now.
I have always picked up my chickens, so they’re all pretty affectionate, but my Août probably would have been just like your Dorothy if I hadn’t gotten her used to humans when she was young. As it is she still tries to dodge my pets like a cat, dipping under my hand and slinking away. However, when she’s injured or unwell, she’ll sit in my lap while I treat and soothe her, and I really get the sense that she appreciates the love in those moments. I have hens that are pushy for affection too, but Août’s undemanding nature makes those rare moments more precious. I’m clearly a cat person rather than a dog person lol. Or perhaps a chicken person is more accurate :)
My Buff Orps are very affectionate, they peck my legs until I pay attention to them, then they will snuggle when I hold them. Of course I handled them from day one so they never had a chance to get wild.

Of course not all my chooks equally enjoy attention, they are all individuals.
The bones in sardines are small and pretty mushy if I remember correctly... are those okay for chickens to eat?
I would think so. They probably just snarf them straight down like they would a mouse, and their gizzards should take care of any bones.

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