How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

How do you round them up again? I imagine you riding a tiny horse and waving a lasso at them, shouting "Yee-haaaa! Git!"
My chickens know where home is when it starts going to dusk. My neighbor's got some chickens from someone and they asked me how do we put them up at night, I said they know where home is so you shouldn't have any reason to worry about it. They both looked like they thought I was crazy but the next day they asked the person that they got them from and they said the same thing.
How do you round them up again? I imagine you riding a tiny horse and waving a lasso at them, shouting "Yee-haaaa! Git!"
I’d like to know too! It’s not always an easy thing to do, in my experience.

I also supervise my girls while they forage for the same reason, too many predators. I often let them out in the middle of the day, so waiting for them to take themselves inside isn’t an option. I take a large stick with me and tap it on the ground near them to herd them in the right direction and say “back to the run” repeatedly. At this point they’re used to it, and generally know what this means, but sometimes it takes luring with treats or just an outright chase to get my more stubborn girls (Juin) back home. I’ll often bend down near an unruly chicken, pick a piece of grass or clover for them, and after they eat it they’re just close enough to snatch them up and carry them back. My biggest chicken (Juillet) can’t be picked up like the others without making her uncomfortable, so I put my arm out for her to step up onto, and carry her back that way. I’m sure my neighbors get a kick out of watching me try to move them across the yard and back into their run. I’m glad that I only have 6 to manage!

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