How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 yesterday

Tilly's not turning the eggs so candled at day 13 and both were duds.

So I took both eggs from her and will see if she stops being broody at day 21 like they are supposed to, or if she doesn't stop, I will try and break her.
Sorry about the eggs.

Maybe you can give her some day old chicks. I have done this before.
3 eggs today!
My Pekin bantam has pause laying egg, her face is of paler pink colour and she is happy and running around. So funny looking at Pekin chicken run.

My 2 professional broody Wyandottees are enjoying the green grass and yet get back to being broody. No eggs, that is fine so long
they are not broody, then I am happy.
My wee silkie pullet started laying last Fall, laid eggs for about 3 weeks then went broody!

For 6 weeks she stayed broody wouldn’t stop, I finally gave in to her and found her a couple chicks. Day before Christmas! Silly bird.

Anyways the babies are over 6 weeks now and mama has started back laying last week, but she still is keeping the babies. Which is good as it’s still chilly.


Silkie babies are so cute running around trying to fly, and mama has introduced them to the joys of horse poop! The first time she brought them over to my Thoroughbred mare’s stall to eat poop I was freaking out, not about eating poop, but getting stepped on possibly! Again this morning they were in her stall! Going to lock them in the pen tomorrow morning, safer there.
My wee silkie pullet started laying last Fall, laid eggs for about 3 weeks then went broody!

For 6 weeks she stayed broody wouldn’t stop, I finally gave in to her and found her a couple chicks. Day before Christmas! Silly bird.

Anyways the babies are over 6 weeks now and mama has started back laying last week, but she still is keeping the babies. Which is good as it’s still chilly.

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Silkie babies are so cute running around trying to fly, and mama has introduced them to the joys of horse poop! The first time she brought them over to my Thoroughbred mare’s stall to eat poop I was freaking out, not about eating poop, but getting stepped on possibly! Again this morning they were in her stall! Going to lock them in the pen tomorrow morning, safer there.
SHE IS THE CUTEST THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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