How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My wee silkie pullet started laying last Fall, laid eggs for about 3 weeks then went broody!

For 6 weeks she stayed broody wouldn’t stop, I finally gave in to her and found her a couple chicks. Day before Christmas! Silly bird.

Anyways the babies are over 6 weeks now and mama has started back laying last week, but she still is keeping the babies. Which is good as it’s still chilly.

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Silkie babies are so cute running around trying to fly, and mama has introduced them to the joys of horse poop! The first time she brought them over to my Thoroughbred mare’s stall to eat poop I was freaking out, not about eating poop, but getting stepped on possibly! Again this morning they were in her stall! Going to lock them in the pen tomorrow morning, safer there.
They are so cute Mommy and kids, this is cuteness overload!
10 eggs so far tonight. Will have DH check nests again when he locks them in.

Today, no egg yet.
We are heading slowly into Autumn and I am loving it. My feather kids are sleeping in due to late rising of the sun and that means I get to sleep in a bit too.

They go to their coops earlier in the evening and I get to go into my coop earlier too.

Oh I feel your happiness there! I like when they go to bed early hahaha.

Summer time it doesn’t get dark until almost 10pm and the youngsters just don’t want to go to bed! The older ones are happy to go to bed though. Like me!

Today I got 21 eggs - once it turns hot they will slow up and possibly stop all together. But right now they are all starting up with laying.
3 eggs today, from Marzo, Brelly and sweet Juillet!


Juillet’s my big Cuckoo Marans, the leader of the flock. She stopped laying at the end of summer, so she got a good long break! I’m grateful for her eggs, they’re always big and much less pointy than Août’s. They’ll get darker after she’s laid for a week or two, this one is much paler than usual.

3 eggs today, from Marzo, Brelly and sweet Juillet!

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Juillet’s my big Cuckoo Marans, the leader of the flock. She stopped laying at the end of summer, so she got a good long break! I’m grateful for her eggs, they’re always big and much less pointy than Août’s. They’ll get darker after she’s laid for a week or two, this one is much paler than usual.

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Does she have feathered feet?
Thanks they are cute. And they totally have me trained, whenever they start squawking looking for mama I come running, mama ignores them hahaha. But Aunt Kelly comes running, then they run up to me looking for snuggles and to warm up - brats are huge time thieves! I

have to be very careful in the mornings to not stop and play with them, it’s a mad rush to feed horses, put their blankets on, put their hay out, turn them out, then do stalls; also have to feed the chooks and water them! So I just keep moving and don’t stop to play with the babies (usually).
Mathis morning I was late - they were just to darn cute digging in the horse poop hahaha 😁

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