How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

13 yesterday!

Tilly is now just trying to sit on ANY egg, instead of just the one nest -- except she is ignoring the fake eggs that are in a couple of the nests. So she's clearly not cut out for this lol

I cannot give her any chicks @Ponypoor as TSC hasn't started selling them yet and no one on Craigslist has any, either.

We don't need any more chickens at all (but we have loads of room), we just were willing to let Tilly be broody if she wanted to. But she kinda sucks at it so once her 21 days are up, if she doesn't chill out we will break her.
I had four this past year who were so bad and wouldn’t be broke from the broody business.

The two silkies I gave chicks to and they were great mamas, the other two nope.

4 eggs yesterday
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My pullet picture attached, her egg is getting bigger each week. The first week of her egg laying was weighing 40gm, it has been steady gaining in size, yesterday her egg was 49gm.
I hope it does not get any bigger.
The chocolate colour is her egg. Her parents are Isa Brown. She does not look like an Isa brown. The egg photo is an old photo
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she’s lovely, what a lovely girl. The quintessential hen 🥰
15!!! I haven't sorted them yet, I just got them right brfore dinner. I have a SS hogging a nest. This is her 2nd night on it. She lets me feel around under her for eggs, she just moans at me a bit.
16! DH found one more when he closed them up.
8 blue, 7 brown, 1 chocolate.

So far 10 fresh ones and 9 fresh/frozen from one EE who decided to be sneaky.
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Make that 13 fresh and 9 frozen for a total of 22. A new high score considering I only have 19 girls! Still waiting on 3 pullets to lay their first eggs, or maybe they have been laying brown eggs that look the same as the others. I think I'll get up early on my next day off and take notes on their laying activities. Have to figure things out before I start collecting eggs for hatching.
Three Americanas each gave me an egg (two blue/green and one more olive) and so did one of my Australorps. Four eggs from seven ladies is pretty solid. Finally got back up to speed this week, averaging three per day. Now it is supposed to get stupid cold for the next two days and 6 inches of snow. I covered up their access to the Run Chicken door tonight as to keep them out of the wind and somewhat warmer in the coop. Hope we don't drop off to 1 a day again!
1 today, from Ebrel :)

It was a miserable dark, cold, rainy day and the girls didn’t get to leave their run. I think their whole routine got thrown off. Tomorrow hopefully there will be a break in the rain and they can all have some fun outside.

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