How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Might be a good idea to separate the chicks from the ducklings if you're worried about chicks having problems with the duckies' waterers.
they are attached to each other, wouldn't have the heart to separate them

besides, we're big humans with opposable thumbs, we can solve it so they can both enjoy the water safely! :wee

11 eggs today so far, but one chicken on the nest when I went to collect so maybe 1 or 2 more
All 6 today! :yesss:


Left to Right: Juin, Marzo, Helmi, Juillet, Août and Ebrel :)
Ended up with 13 today

and here is the waterer -- a complete mashup job with what I had on hand; needs must!


the amount of soaking wet bedding from only 2 days from the last bedding change was ALARMING

We are going to try this for 2 more days (we also laid down trash bags under the cement blocks and under the bedding to help with the water -- the bedding is like 5-6 inches deep)

IF the water is still an issue - the ducklings will go out into a tractor near the new run. Nothing for it, gotta separate em to save the shed floor.

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