How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I think we got 15 total eggs today. I know that we got 6 blue eggs out of 8 CC Legbar pullets. The Legbars are laying more than they are supposed to. I would rather they slow down and live longer. I'm going to set 41 eggs of theirs and hopefully will get at least 18 good looking pullets in the hatch. I want to take 4 of the best show type pullets and separate them with the best rooster and try to hatch some premium looking birds that we might be able to show in state.
I'm documenting. The congresspeople do not care. Maybe 20, or more like 100, years from now someone will care. I'm writing because people like me being persecuted for the reason we are being persecuted don't write, and we don't speak up, and when we do we are not heard. When our girls are gone, I'm gonna come back here and look at everyone else's.
:hugs I'm so sorry.
We have, but the neighbors are really, really bad. They intentionally set the dogs on us, our children, all of it, even after being told by deputies not to do so. I think they are connected to local law enforcement. They don't get cited for anything: vicious dogs, burning during a burn ban, building without permits, selling alcohol (and other drugs) without permits. I've resolved myself to write about it, and keep to myself.
How awful. Bad neighbors can really be a nightmare! I'm sorry you're going through that.
We have, but the neighbors are really, really bad. They intentionally set the dogs on us, our children, all of it, even after being told by deputies not to do so. I think they are connected to local law enforcement. They don't get cited for anything: vicious dogs, burning during a burn ban, building without permits, selling alcohol (and other drugs) without permits. I've resolved myself to write about it, and keep to myself.
What an awful situation. I’m so sorry you and your family have to deal with such terrible neighbors. I hope your girls find happy homes, though it’s sad that they can’t stay with you :hugs
3 eggs today, from Brelly, Août and Marzo.

We got 29 this week from my 6 girls, which is the most we’ve ever collected so far! (The year started on a Wednesday, so I count from Wednesday to Tuesday.)

We got a freeze dryer for Christmas from my father (for which we are deeply grateful, because boy are they expensive!), and so have been using it to preserve our eggs. I crack 18 eggs, whisk them up and pour them onto a tray. Then it stays in the freezer until I have 5 trays ready to go into the machine. I haven’t tried reconstituting the freeze dried eggs yet, but I’ve heard it’s very similar to fresh. I’m excited to preserve kale and collards this way too, and be able to mix them into our chicken feed next winter when there’s nothing for the girls to forage on. They do love their greens!

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