How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2 eggs yesterday.
Today I will spend all day in the yard with my feather kids, I miss them so much. We did not get any play time due to the excessive rain and strong wind. Now that we have been having 1.5 days of dry weather so far so today is play day.

Rose is my rescue hen, I have no idea how old she is, what is her breed, and she needs some serious 1:1 time today. I love my feather Rose girl.
No eggs for a few days. I did find a busted soft shelled egg in the nestbox last night. Jade has been MIA the last couple nights, not going to roost but showing up the next day. I caught her this morning and put her in broody jail. I haven’t found a nest of eggs, but I suspect she’s got a hiding place somewhere.
No eggs for a few days. I did find a busted soft shelled egg in the nestbox last night. Jade has been MIA the last couple nights, not going to roost but showing up the next day. I caught her this morning and put her in broody jail. I haven’t found a nest of eggs, but I suspect she’s got a hiding place somewhere.
Clever girl Jade for hiding her nest of eggs that her mommy has yet found.😄
13 today! We are going to switch from donating to supplying a farm store \o/ things are tight and it cannot hurt getting enough to pay for their feed and bedding!

So we're expanding our flock a lot more than just the 5 straight run chicks; we got 7 more today, all pullets from TSC.

THE LINE TO GET CHICKS WAS INSANE. Some people were getting SO many, and yes, I think some were re-selling :/

The girl doing the boxing was also so overwhelmed that by the time she got to me (and I was early in line, about 7th and there was about 15 people after me) gave me the wrong chicks. We didn't notice til halfway home. SO, instead of 2 Barred Rock pullets, I got 2 ISA Brown pullets. I am not that excited about them, boring production breed BUT I hear they are sweet and docile.

I called the Tractor Supply to let them know that the girl was giving out the wrong chicks to people and not everyone would be as gracious as we were (bc we kept them, didn't make a fuss, and didn't want an exchange) and you know how some people are. I said maybe someone should help her out lol

We also got 3 Sapphire Olive Eggers where 2 of them look like possibly Black Australorps so lolol it's a grab bag. And 2 Calico Princess -- all pullets.

They are all lively and braw and everyone is already friends in the brooder -- though the ducklings were like WHOA WHO IS THAT when we put them in LOLOL

I freakin love those ducklings man. They have LOADS of personality.

We finished the run!!!!



we put in a swing like a couple of dorks :D

They free range and don't even CARE about the run, but it will get its use when we go away for a weekend now and again <3
13 today! We are going to switch from donating to supplying a farm store \o/ things are tight and it cannot hurt getting enough to pay for their feed and bedding!

So we're expanding our flock a lot more than just the 5 straight run chicks; we got 7 more today, all pullets from TSC.

THE LINE TO GET CHICKS WAS INSANE. Some people were getting SO many, and yes, I think some were re-selling :/

The girl doing the boxing was also so overwhelmed that by the time she got to me (and I was early in line, about 7th and there was about 15 people after me) gave me the wrong chicks. We didn't notice til halfway home. SO, instead of 2 Barred Rock pullets, I got 2 ISA Brown pullets. I am not that excited about them, boring production breed BUT I hear they are sweet and docile.

I called the Tractor Supply to let them know that the girl was giving out the wrong chicks to people and not everyone would be as gracious as we were (bc we kept them, didn't make a fuss, and didn't want an exchange) and you know how some people are. I said maybe someone should help her out lol

We also got 3 Sapphire Olive Eggers where 2 of them look like possibly Black Australorps so lolol it's a grab bag. And 2 Calico Princess -- all pullets.

They are all lively and braw and everyone is already friends in the brooder -- though the ducklings were like WHOA WHO IS THAT when we put them in LOLOL

I freakin love those ducklings man. They have LOADS of personality.

We finished the run!!!!

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View attachment 4071164

we put in a swing like a couple of dorks :D

They free range and don't even CARE about the run, but it will get its use when we go away for a weekend now and again <3
That is super nice!

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