How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Thanks, yeah! Poplar Bluff, where I shop, 30 miles east, had a lot of damage and at least one fatality. ☹️ Van Buren, 25 miles west, also had some damage. But everything passed at least 5 miles NE of us. We watched it on our TV in the basement. Not the first time, won't be the last.
I dare allow I’ll be doing similar starting next month. Always a worry with the horses out in the storms, if we have a tornado or even severe down drafts it can throw around debris. My chooks are fairly safe in the barn, but those horses, they are sitting ducks 😳
Just watched my older silkie hen Fluffy McNugget picking straw from outside the box and throwing it over her back into the box - she’s such a funny girl. I imagine she is starting up laying again.

It’s time like this I get ideas about hatching some Polkies (Polish x Silkies), she’s running with my old Polish Roo. I have had a Polkie from her already (Bert) - he was a gorgeous Roo, I had to rehome him as he was fighting with his old Dada (Mr P).

Might see how many eggs I get from the silkies …. tell my niece if she is going to hatch for class to do it while I have some silkie eggs…. Bad Kelly! I do not need more chooks!

Top pic looks calendar-worthy! :love
Thank you. We had a huge storm which flooded the yard in front of the barn, the chooks went crazy catching the bugs that floated to the top of the water ♥️😊

I like this one with Misty, she has her ‘pants rolled up’ haha.
Thank you. We had a huge storm which flooded the yard in front of the barn, the chooks went crazy catching the bugs that floated to the top of the water ♥️😊

I like this one with Misty, she has her ‘pants rolled up’ haha.
View attachment 4074791
That's a good one, too.

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